Thursday, March 3, 2016

March's Stitching Theme

I decided to stitch all things St. Patrick for the month of March.
For all the stitching I've done over the years, I've never stitched anything remotely Irish.  And since I was in Ireland for five months in 1979, I decided it was time to commemorate my time there.

On to my Woodpeckers.

I managed several photos of my male Hairy Woodpecker.

He frequents the backyard feeders.

The Acorn Woodpeckers prefer the feeders in the front.

The couple has been hanging out together.

I enjoy their 'talking' to one another.

From reading comments, I know that the Red-shafted Northern Flickers are the 'favorites' of several of you.

Two of the birds have been hanging out in the backyard.

This is a female.

Courting has begun.  Most mornings I see a pair like this.  They chant ' waka-waka-waka" and hammer away on anything handy.

Including the shop's metal roof!


  1. Oh I like your stitching line up. Especially the center one!

  2. You have some great charts to choose from! I'm "voting" for the center one and the St Patrick's Day bird; it will be fun to see which you choose and how many your speedy needles can complete.

  3. I'll look forward to your Irish stitching, Beth. I was just looking at my March bowl of St. Patrick's Day stitching and realized it's looking a bit anemic--need to fill it up one of these days so perhaps I'll be starting a new Irish piece myself :)

  4. I am also lacking in St. Patrick's Day stitching... think I have two finishes! I shall do the same thing... try to increase that number! Our Red-bellied woodpecker pecks on the house, either the gutters in front or on the side... Pretty noisy! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Fabulous pictures! I am completely fascinated by both the acorn woodpeckers and the flickers, neither of which I have seen other than on your blog Beth.
    Have fun stitching! Love your header.

  6. Looking forward to seeing those Irish stitches. All the woodpeckers look wonderful.

  7. Great birds - woodpeckers are just about my favourite bird - and we dont have any in Australia! Used to have them outside my bedroom window when I lived in the UK.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. I love your Irish stash! Yes, you must stitch some!! I actually have finished one and am hoping to totally finish it and hang it on the tree this afternoon!!
    I'm one that loves those pretty flickers!
    The wood peckers are so pretty, also, but look different than those I see here in MS.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.