Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Don't Do As I Do

Saturday was a lovely day.  My Garden Helper (Parvati) and I decided it was the perfect day to tackle gardening chores which should have been done clear back in October.

Back in late October 2015 my Mom and I purchased an assortment of spring bulbs.  I stuck them all in an 'extra' refrigerator and sort of 'forgot' about them.  Now it's mid-March, and all the bulbs still looked viable, so I potted them up.  I ended up with 10 pots of musari, iris, narcissus, daffodils, and tulips.  Now we wait to see if they grow and bloom.   

Here's another project left over from October.  Nineteen pansies and primroses have been stuck in their 4" pots all these months.  Some of them look pretty scraggly through no fault of their own.  Now at least they have some breathing room.

Those tasks took me most of Saturday afternoon, but I still had time to take a walk around the house.  

Most of the bulbs in the flowerbeds are former potted bulbs that I've set out after displaying them on the front porch for a couple of springs. 

The great thing about daffodils and narcissus is that the deer do not graze on them.

They also leave bleeding hearts alone.

I cannot believe how quickly this one has grown in just a couple of weeks.

My clump of Trillium 'Volcano' grows larger each year. 

It lives in a protected cage between a bleeding heart and a helebore.

The only way tulips survive the ravages of the deer is if they are hidden away tucked deep in a clump of daffodils. 

Surprisingly the deer leave the primroses alone this time of year, though they do munch on them in August.  

I can see this clump of daffodils from my window as I type on my computer...

...and this clump is also in my sight.  

Here's a pretty little perennial - Ranunculus ficaria - Citrina. 

Our currant has begun to bloom.  

I've yet to see a hummingbird working the blooms, but I am sure they are regular visitors.

Ipheion uniflorum - Rolf Fielder is a tiny low growing spring bulb.  It will bloom for several weeks.

Late last summer I bought three very sad looking auriculas at 75% off.  I am pleased to see that they've over-wintered very well and are larger - in super health and about ready to bloom!  


  1. Beautiful--spring flowers are some of my favorites. Great buy with the 75% off--looks like it is off to a great start. Garden clean up is definitely on my to do list--now just to find the time

  2. Gorgeous! I love Spring blooms.

  3. Primulas are pretty hardy and yours will likely perk right up when you plant them out. I envy you your currant bush - I must get one as I miss the one we left at the old house.
    Lovely views from your window.

  4. Glad those forgotten bulbs bloomed so beautifully, Beth! What a wonderful springy post :)

  5. Parvati when he is lying like that looks very similar to my Red Boy, but when you look at his face into his eyes you see the difference. :)
    I adore the garden shots, you are much further along than Indiana!

  6. So many lovely flowers. That trillium is beautiful!

  7. Oh I LOVE Spring, when you share all your flowers!! I bought a Clematis and planted it in a pot... IF it grows, I will get a bigger year or this fall? And I have a bunch of new-to-me hostas in three big pots. They should do well, as I have had one (probably is more now!) in a pot for about 10 years now. Your garden is always an inspiration to me! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  8. JUst heavenly to look at your spring blooms. Still ice covered here but hopefully for not much longer.


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