Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Wet Wednesday Walk in March

It's pouring buckets! Grab an umbrella and wellies and we will be off.

Look at how the shrubs and bracken have greened up and leafed out. 

The hummingbirds are thrilled to have Indian Plum / Oso Berries in bloom.

Bright green leaves and delicate falls of white blossoms. 

Someone told me that they stink. Nonetheless they are pretty.

Over the years birds have distributed the the seeds of cultivated plum trees.
These ghostly white sentinels are the first trees to bloom.  

The fields are so green that they hurt me eyes.

Here's the first wild flower in bloom.

The common name is Spring Beauty.

The pussy willows are past their prime now.

In the next month or so the Sword Ferns will unfurl new fronds.

False Solomon's Seal is popping up.

And so are the Trilliums.

It looks like we will have blossoms in a couple of weeks.

All the rain keeps the creeks flowing strong and full.

We have a nice patch of Camas near our mailbox. 
Something else to look forward to. 

Some of the Cow's Parsnip will grow to six feet or more. 

One of my favorites. I love the contrast of the brick red bark and bright green leaves.  

The little English Daisies are in bloom.

The clumps of Iris tenax are forming.

Soon there will be lots of wildflowers to share.


  1. Simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  2. So nice to finally see some beautiful spring. In Poland we still have winter weather so I miss flowers sooo much!

  3. What a beautiful sprig walk that was - rain or no rain. I know what you mean about the brilliant colour nearly hurting your eyes! We have Camas up here too - such a gorgeous shade of blue.

  4. Wow, you've got a lot going on there! I think the wildflowers are my favorite.
    I'd love for you to share this beautiful outdoor post on this week's Maple Hill Hop! Enjoy the commencement of spring!

  5. I always enjoy having a wonderful walk with you!

  6. i primi fiori le prime gemme voglia di primavera bello
    ciao silvana

  7. Nice post. Please send rain - we really need in all over the state.

    cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. love the creek shot and cooo love the wee daisies I saw one over here too the other week ... we have signs of spring coming up too :) love mouse xxxxx

  9. I didn't even get wet! Love your first signs of spring! Something to look forward to, after a chilly couple of days! Hugs!


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