Saturday, February 27, 2016

Saturday Critters

I am not often able to take a photo of two chippies!

They are loving these mild February days.

They certainly look fat and happy.

I got to pet one on Thursday morning.

Love the whiskers in the sunlight.

Perfect chipmunk cubby-hole.

Eat up before the gray squirrels arrive!

I watched a bunny as I fed the chipmunks.

The grass is green and.. looks like it is pretty tasty!


  1. Oh how special to pet one. They are so adorable with those cheeks stuffed. I take the cats are indoors when you approach the chipmunks?

  2. The first shot is so sweet, as you've caught them being busy as....well...chipmunks!
    Yesterday we came across a bunny that just froze on the road as we walked towards it. Poor little thing. I gave it wide berth, but Rory was very, very interested!

  3. My red squirrel seems to have chased away my two chipmunks. Thanks for sharing yours!

  4. You got to PET a chipmunk... how awesome!! Love those little guys... all we have are grey squirrels here, tho I did see some chipmunks at the state park last year. Hugs!


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