Monday, February 22, 2016

Good Morning!

I've started stitching the Heart. I really enjoy the color palette used for this design.

We had a cold, wet weekend, but the next few days are to be warm and dry.

"Good Morning" carols the Robin!

The House Finches are pairing up already.

The males have begun singing.

The Scrub Jays squawk - nothing melodic about them.

The Steller's Jays are equally loud and discordant. 

I see two or three Fox Sparrows most mornings. 

And I am still seeing Chestnut-backed Chickadees.


  1. I am so excited that Spring is around the corner and the birds will be so much more active!

  2. It will be a while yet til we see the robins here. I enjoy that color palette as well.

  3. Love your sweet birds. Feel free to laugh with me, but with just the tops of the hearts stitched, I thought they were the start of Easter eggs! In my defense, that holiday is only 5 weeks away...

  4. I'm not a pink person, but I do enjoy stitching with it when I have the chance... Lovely birdies--as always, Beth :)

  5. I have been hearing the birds sing in the morning, a sure sign of Spring. That heart is going to be so pretty with the colors you are using.

  6. Loving the pink coloring also! I was awakened this morning before 6:00 by the sound of birdies! Think it was Robins. I love all your shots... they are always nice and clear!


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