Monday, February 29, 2016

An Extra Day

Seriously, it's the last day of the month - an 'extra' day.  I need to get this finished today.  How do you intend to use your 'extra' leap day?

With mild temperatures, the Robins are more active and are singing.

I just love my Chestnut-backed Chickadees.

I found a pressed mix of seeds and nuts that they adore.

Yea, you!

It's nice to have them around.

I must have 25 Oregon Juncos.  They work away in the feeders and also are active ground feeders.

I have just one White-throated Sparrow.  But I see the bird most days.

There are several Fox Sparrows...

...and even more Spotted Towhees.

I've had as many as fifteen Pine Siskins.  About the time the American Goldfinches return in April, these birds will depart to the northern boreal forests of Canada.

My flock of House Finches is growing too.  There are close to a dozen birds and they will be here all spring and summer.


  1. Great stitching. Lots of great pictures as well, so pretty.

  2. I think you can finish your last 2016 Valentine on this extra day! If not, we won't say anything about needing a February 30, haha. Beautiful bird photos, as always. I enjoy them and your colorful flowers so much. Thanks for all you share!

  3. Love your bird pictures you sure do a good job getting them and identifying them for us.

  4. Oh the chickadees are so sweet. I will stitch the day away!

  5. Spending my "extra" day taking care of my mom. I love seeing all your birds. The robins have been singing here too, but I've only seen one so far. I really miss seeing the House Finches at my feeders. I haven't seen any all winter.

  6. I think that little chickadee was greeting all your followers! I went to my reading group, did PT, and will stitch away the evening. I'd say that was good use of the extra day.

  7. I spent my extra day stitching too :) Lovely pictures!

  8. An extra day... IF ONLY I had it to myself to sit and stitch! I did get out and try spotting some birds, but... tide was wrong, and none were around. Did you finish your February piece? Fantastic shots of the variety of birds you see! The Chestnut backed chickadees are so gorgeous! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.