Saturday, January 2, 2016

Saturday Sunshine

A small Sharp-shinned Hawk came in close.

The bird had lots to say! 

And made it tough for the birds to come to the feeders.

Wisely, most stayed in the trees and brush like this Song Sparrow.

The Quail were ever alert.

An Oregon Junco watches.

As does a Golden-crowned Sparrow.


  1. Birds so pretty.
    Finally today it's snow
    It is the first in this winter
    There were 2 months that didn't rain and smog was in the air.

  2. Those are smart little birds! However, I have to admit, that hawk is a very handsome bird.

  3. I dread when the hawks in our neighborhood are on watch at our backyard feeders. They are beautiful, but I hate when they prey on the smaller birds

  4. He does have a lot to say!!!
    Love the new snowman header :)


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