Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January Stitch January Birds

I've picked my next snowman - a Lizzie Kate called "Tis the Season".

Our weather pattern has been several days of rain followed by a morning or afternoon or blue sky followed by more rain. 

The Canada Geese flew overhead during one of the brief blue skies spells.

Here's a male House Finch to brighten a dull day.

I think all the Juncos were basking in the sunshine.

Here's a close up.

The quality of light makes such a difference in a bird's appearance.
A Black-capped Chickadee in strong light.

A Black-capped Chickadee with dull defused light.

And here's a Chestnut-backed Chickadee!

It always makes me smile to see a Red-breasted Nuthatch. The Nuthatch and the Chickadees are big fans of my newest bird feeder.


  1. I think chickadees may just be my very favorite bird--their little faces are so sweet! And thanks for the photo of the Chestnut-backed one--have never seen one (or even knew they existed!).

    Have fun with your new project, Beth :)

  2. Sweet little songbirds! Other than the Blue Jay (with it's 'squeaky hinge' voice), the Chickadee is the only bird I can identify by song. I love those little guys.

    Your new snowman will be adorable. I love the earmuffs. :D

  3. I love your photos of the birds - they are beautiful. I also love all those snowmen!
    Have a happy day!

  4. Wonderful pictures of the birds! I love to watch geese fly over in formation! What a great picture of the chickadee. They can be very hard birds to get good pictures of. I have tried! I am looking forward to Spring and nesting season. I just love to hear all the babies chirping away!

  5. I love the birds so much.
    Beautiful pictures..
    Happy stitching x

  6. I love those sweet chickadees! And your photos of them are great!
    We have Canada Geese here all the time--I saw a couple out in my side yard this morning--just sitting there and watching the world go by!
    That's a really cute snowman stitch!!

  7. Beautiful pictures of the birds!
    Looking forward to see your snowman update.

  8. I love Chickadees
    In Italia we say Capinera

  9. The same little delightful birds are at our feeder. We counted 15 Juncos one day on the deck below the feeder.

  10. I really enjoy seeing your birds! I haven't many in my backyard this winter.

  11. Love that Nuthatch!! Wishing I will see one someday! They have been seen around and about here, so it could happen! Also love seeing the Chestnut-backed Chickadee! Very cool! I am wondering if I have that LK chart in my stash now that I see yours... Gonna be a cute snowman!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.