Friday, January 29, 2016

It's Friday!

It's Friday and I thought I'd have a finish to share.
Instead, all I have to show is a finished scarf!

We had a long hard rain Thursday morning.  After it finished, this Sharp-shinned Hawk spread out tail feathers to speed up drying off.

I think there are over 50 Pine Siskins gathered in this tree.

Black-capped Chickadee - a real cutie.

A couple of Song Sparrows normally greet me in the morning as I set out bird food.

They are joined by a dozen or so Golden-crowned Sparrows...

...and up to nine or so Towhees.


  1. Your stitching piece is looking so cute. Don't you just love when the birds gather while you set out their food?

  2. Have you considered making an e-book of your beautiful bird pictures? They're just fantastic!

  3. I finished my snowman piece, and will make it into a cube today I hope! It is finishing day! I have not seen any Towhees around my feeders this winter. I saw one in a neighbor's yard, but her dogs scared it off, maybe permanently!

  4. That snowman is going to be very cute! I hope all those sweet little birds avoid the hawk!


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