Monday, January 11, 2016

First Finish For 2016

Design - "Snowy Owl"
Chart - "Evergreen"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 28 count Sage Jobelan
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 3 January 2016
Completed - 8 January 2016

It seemed very odd to sign off on this small and date it with 2016.  There's no stopping time I guess!

We've had lots of dull foggy days, but when the sun deigns to shine, the Hufflepuffs are outside getting their vitamin D!

This small Sharp-shinned Hawk has been hanging around the past few days. 

I like this photo of the Sapsucker hard at work while the red squirrel goes about his business.  On a large Douglas Fir tree there can be lots of activity!
Several years ago National Geographic made a collage of all the insects, birds, animals and plants that called a giant Sequoia home.  Click here to take a look - it is rather amazing!

Most mornings I am greeted by a couple of Song Sparrows and a couple of these guys - Fox Sparrows.

I usually have several Towhees too.

On special mornings, there is a Red-breasted Nuthatch waiting for me.

What is a bird walking head first down a tree so darned amusing?

I've counted as many as 18 Juncos...

...and 14 Golden-crowned Sparrows.

My flock of Pine Siskins numbers 12.

And my California Quail covey has at least 42 members!

Most remarkably thus far in January was my sighting of a Turkey Vulture soaring overhead Sunday afternoon.


  1. A sweet, little finish. I really, really like the sapsucker/squirrel picture.

  2. It is so amazing to see the variety of birds you have visit you. So different from those I see here! Love your cross stitch too.

  3. It's a very sweet the sweet fellows so much x

  4. A very pretty finish.
    We also have a bird that walks down the tree head first. Somehow it looks funny.

  5. Congratulations on your finish. Great bird pictures as always. I love the quail with his comical little "fascinator"

  6. Love PS and that owl is so cute. Great bird pictures as always. The variety of species is so interesting. happy stitching!

  7. Wow! 42 members--do you ever see them all together, Beth? What a sight that must be...

    Love your little finish--it will be a great addition to your owl header :)

  8. Snowy owl is very beautiful but sunny cats are absolutely wonderful

  9. So many wonderful birds. I love the snowy owl. I would love to see a real one!

  10. Congrats on your darling finish! Wow LOVE all your photos but especially the one of the California Quail. I think its the best I have EVER seen. love Annette
    ps love your header too:)))

  11. What great bird photos. This is a good time of year for bird watching. I love the little snowman you just stitched. The fabric is perfect for the design.

  12. Beautiful scenery pictures. Your snowman piece is cute.

  13. Cute owl finish! You are so speedy! I hope I get to see that type of nuthatch someday!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.