Friday, January 15, 2016

Figuring Out What to Do

I seem to go into a mini funk with the start of the new year.
I have lots of fun snowmen charts, but thus far have to pulled the fabric or fibers for any of them.  Maybe this weekend I will get inspired. 

It has been a pretty good week for woodpeckers.

I seem to have just one Hairy Woodpecker.  

A female, she comes by almost every day.

I changed out my peanut feeder in the backyard to a newer, nicer model and I think she is pleased!

The wire grid is a bit larger... it is easier for her to pull out nuts. 

The Flickers are around most days too, though honestly I hear them calling in the trees more often than I see them at the suet feeders. 

My Acorn Woodpeckers are coming by - I often have two guys eating peanuts.

Earlier this week I had a young female Pileated Woodpecker come visit for a couple of days.  I like this photo as you can see just how much bigger she is than the staring Starlings.

You can see that she was working away on the branch in front of her. 

She also talked non-stop.  So much so that for a while I thought there were two birds.

Look how she has her tail feathers splayed around the tree.

That's quite an amazing beak!

Woodpeckers can hammer up to 20 times a second!
For a total of 8,000-12,000 pecks a day - and no headache! They have reinforced skulls structured to spread the impact and their brains are tightly cushioned. 

This big bird's diet is any where from 40% to 90% carpenter ants! 

I keep hoping one will come by and have some peanuts or suet, but so far, no luck.


  1. So envious of your pileated woodpecker photos. I loved seeing that tail feather support. Amazing. No carpenter ants here so I'm not sure what mine would be finding...insects of some sort I guess. Your stitching groove will come back!

  2. I am glad that the bears are in hibernation..we are able to fill the bird feeder and enjoy the birds!
    You have captured some nice shots of the woodpecker.

  3. Wow! That is A LOT of hammering--those bills must be really really tough!

    I'm in a bit of a funk, too, Beth--hard to pin down a new project, but I finally began one the other day... Way too many gorgeous options are out there!

  4. I love the woodpecker in Italian we say: picchio
    Have a good week end

  5. Your blog and wonderful photographs always add joy to my day. Thank you.

  6. Thank you for posting the woodpecker photos -- love the pileated! Each one of those charts looks fun so it is a tough choice, but you won't go wrong with any of them.

  7. Love that young pileated woodpecker! What is it that makes her look young? Definitely something. I've decided Acorn Woodpeckers look a bit clownish.

  8. I always enjoy the wood pecker photos!

  9. I just love those big birds. We have one that comes to the suet but not too often. It's always special when we see it.

  10. Beth, I just drool over all your woodpecker photos!!

  11. Speaking from a tree-less yard, I live vicariously through your photos of that beautiful Pileated Woodpecker! I do see the Red-bellied most every day now that it is colder... In fact, I think there are two... one is smaller, but I don't always have my camera ready to get snaps! And we have many Downy's visit. So there are no complaints, just wishes... Thanks for sharing!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.