Thursday, December 31, 2015

Post Christmas Reflection

Did you get a Christmas gift that sent you into a frenzy?

Padma did!  Here he is in a catnip induced coma.

Even Parvati Pickypants got the gift of her dreams!

A cardboard box!

Some of us were happy with the same old same old!

Sunflower seeds.

The deer got to feast on...

...watermelon of all things!

A little bit of summer at the beginning of winter!

But truthfully, there is nothing, but nothing that can top a brand new book!
The newest member of our extended family is just six months old and already is passionate about reading!

What was you favorite gift this year?


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lovelies cats
    They are wonderful
    Also my cat loves boxes
    Happy new year for all your family

  2. Aww sweet cats *•*
    Wishing you and your family a very happy new year x

  3. Love the pictures of the cats. Happy New Year

  4. Happy New Year Beth! Love the pictures and captions on both the indoor and outdoor critters (I was smiling at the catnip and cardboard box. We have had a box from amazon sitting in the kitchen for a while now as the kitties are just loving it).

  5. Well it was a great Christmas for all I can see!
    My favorite gift is the one I am wearing. My poodle pajamas.

  6. Gotta love the cats! Catnip induced coma... ha! And boxes are such favorites! Favorite gift? Office chair or Binoculars!! Ha!

  7. Same for the past 10 years, our grandsons

  8. Ha--I remember all the fun of watching our cat with his catnip on Christmas... Looks like you had a special Christmas and I have to say my favorite present was just having my youngest son safely home from Argentina...

  9. Love this post!
    My favorite thing is my time at home :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.