Thursday, December 17, 2015

Black Reindeer and Yellow Birds

Design - "Reindeer" - Freebie card for chart 100 and 101
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Antique white linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 8 December 2011
Completed - 11 December 2011 

I've been worried that with all the hawk activity, my Pine Siskins had decided to move on.  

Thankfully, they are still around.  I saw a flock of 25 or so flying overhead.

And I've had a dozen or more at the feeders.

These fragile birds are highly susceptible to salmonella, so I work really hard trying to keep my feeders and water clean.

With all the stormy weather we've had the food in this feeder gets wet and moldy very quickly, I think I'm going to change it out for a tube feeder.


  1. such a cute finish and lovely birds..
    hugs from south africa x

  2. I appeared to have missed something...You lost Solomon this November? What an awful year, I am so very sorry.

  3. Love the reindeer piece. I am excited. I think we have pine siskin. the little birds at our feeder look just like the ones in your picture with just a bit of yellow in their wings.

  4. Cute reindeer! We have Yellow-rumped Warblers here, versus Pine Siskins I think... would love to see them tho!

  5. Love the finish! Gosh, I'd never even thought about the feeders getting dirty and causing health problems for the birds. Wow!

  6. We also have siskin and they look exactly like yours. They are here in winter. But I am not sure if they are the same kind.
    Nice PS stitching.


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