Monday, November 9, 2015

Oak Leaves and Quail

I worked on Summer House Stitche Workes' "Sophie" this weekend.  This photo does not do it justice.  With just three colors and mottled linen, it is a truly stunning piece. I know I'm supposed to be stitching turkeys, and instead I'm stitching oak leaves and owls.

I've had lots of quail this past week.

I've counted anywhere from 12 to over 40 birds.

They work the grass looking for insects and seeds much like chickens.

I think there are far more males than females.

I count 8 guys here.

Six guys and three gals.  It's going to be interesting when they start courting in the spring!  

Everyone looks plump and healthy.

The young female on the left will have her choice of fellows.

Two ladies and two gentlemen.

Leading the way.

Back into the 'pucker brush' for safety's sake.

I did find a pile of quail feathers - the result of an encounter with a hawk.

Be careful birds!

Here's a sweet young miss.

She's already attracting plenty of attention from the males.


  1. I will have to look up 'Sophie' as the tiny bit you showed looks interesting. We see quail here often and I have a family of stone quail in my garden.

  2. I will have to look up 'Sophie' as the tiny bit you showed looks interesting. We see quail here often and I have a family of stone quail in my garden.

  3. Oh yes! Sophie is pretty.
    What a great quail post.

  4. Just look at those perfectly plump quail! What a sight!!

    Your WIP looks great already, Beth :)

  5. I've got Sophie in my stash to stitch, too. Can't wait to see yours!!

    Great quail pictures!

  6. Wow what a flock of quail love the pictures. Nice start on your new project.

  7. Oh dear, I hope the quail survived! As for stitching, I say stitch what you like. If turkeys are not your cup of tea right now, so be it.

  8. They are so lovely and so plenty. The quails here are not as beautiful. I wonder if their eggs can be eaten too, just like the quails in the industry.

  9. The oak leaves are so pretty--I love the colors! I will look up the chart to see the owl! I have never seen so many quail together at one time!

  10. I have had to place that pattern on my wish list. It is so pretty. I enjoy seeing your flocks of quails. At the moment, I'm working on a sampler with quails from a French cross stitch magazine.

  11. OH wow, I love these cute Quail. There are so many of them, great sighting. Your Oakleaves are pretty, I would like to see the owl. Have a happy day!

  12. Such pretty birds. I have never seen one except in photos so this is a treat!

  13. Beautiful quail! Hate seeing that pile of feathers though. Love your stitching too. So pretty!

  14. Love the oak leaf stitching! Really pretty, though I really love the cross-stitched turkey on your header, too. And look at all those quail! How wonderful! Great photos!

  15. These are awesome birds! I love the colors.

  16. Wonderful series Beth..I don't know much about these birds and now I know more... Yes..the pile of feathers always takes me back...sigh.. Michelle


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