Monday, November 2, 2015

November Blog Header

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles November 2015 Blog Header

Row #1: Twisted Threads, "Turkey Sampler"; Lizzie Kate, "November".

Row #2: The Prairie Schooler, "Acorns" - "Pilgrim Tree"; The Prairie Schooler, "Fall Fields" - "Turkey"; Heart in Hand, "Harvest Blessings". 

I had the November blog header collage ready to go ahead of time, but somehow November came more quickly than I expected, and I did not get it put up until the evening of the 1st.

We had 0.75" of rain over the weekend.  On Sunday morning, the rain stopped, and the birds came to the feeders.

I had 10 or more Golden-crowned Sparrows hopping around.

But I was more excited to see a White-throated Sparrow. Photo is blurry as it was early in the morning. 

Non-blurry back side!

Here you can see the white throat.

And there were 2 or 3 Song Sparrows out and about.

I always have Towhees squawking - they are not very melodic.

And I've just noticed that they have rather scary red eyes!

Oregon Juncos will eat at the feeders, but prefer to be ground feeders.

The Mourning Doves are ground feeders too.


  1. It just doesn't quite seem right that it is November already...Oh my...
    I saw big fat black crows all about today on my walk, but the surprise of the morning was a little red-backed salamander that crawled across my path. He was a baby, bitsy as could be ;) But Ellie and I got to see him before she went to school.

  2. Golden Crowned Sparrows are beautiful. Yes! His eyes are scary!

  3. Beautiful blog header Beth. I wish we had Thanksgiving or similar in the UK. It seems a long wait until Christmas holidays!

  4. Love the blog header! lol about those red eyes. Whoa!!

  5. What a great header. The sparrows are so pretty.

  6. That is a gorgeous header! I find myself lurking on the Prairie Schooler site now that I know that they are closing. So many patterns that I want!!
    We have Juncos up here but a Towhee is unknown to me. I love to learn something new.

  7. Great new header and fabulous bird pictures. Except that towhee. I don't like the way he's looking at me :)

  8. Your November blog header looks great. I agree about the red eyes...kind of disturbing and creepy.

  9. This is the closest our birds have come to being the same on both coasts... I have seen White-throated Sparrows, Dark-eyed Juncos, Mourning Doves of course, in the yard since the weather changed. Still wanting to see the Towhees, and Song Sparrows. Not sure I will see Golden-Crowned sparrows here...a long-shot!! I might get out tomorrow... Hugs!

  10. Love your header! We certainly have a lot to be thankful for don't we? This seems like the perfect time to tell you how thankful I am for the time and energy you spend on your posts Beth and the absolute pleasure and delight you bring daily - thank you! :)
    The sparrow is such a pretty little one! We have black and white juncos and lots of doves but I have never seen a towhee.

  11. Love the new header. I always look forward to seeing how you are decorating this month!


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