Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday's Framed Finish

Design - "Silly as a Goose"
Designer - Birds of a Feather
Fabric - 32 count R & R Golden Walnut linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 18 April 2015
Completed - 7 May 2015

I unintentionally personalized this design by messing up the colors of the goose.  I am, however, quite taken with my gray goose, so it worked out well in the end. 

Framed - October 2015 

I've had both Cooper's Hawks and Sharp-shinned Hawks in the past week.
Cooper's have a rounded tail and prey on doves and quail.  Sharpies have a notched tail (see the notch?) and prey on smaller song birds.  

I was rather startled to see two Turkey Vultures last Saturday.  As they do not like cold and rain, the birds usually have left the area for South America before November rolls around.  Maybe these guys missed their flight. 
Golden-crowned Sparrows are some of my Winter Regulars.

Song Sparrows and Golden-crowned Sparrows often feed together.

My male Anna's Hummingbird continues to delight.

He can be counted on to bright some brightness and sparkle to a dull November day.


  1. Such a cute design and finish

  2. Silly as a Goose is so cute and I love the frame!

  3. Hi Beth,
    I'm so glad I found you on the web. We have lots in common, love of gardens, nature and birds and especially stitching. Love this post with all the bird photos. I wonder if some of these would be mine that feed at my feeders and then move south.
    Happy Stitching!

  4. Love the framed finish. And the hummer! He's glorious!

  5. The gray worked so nicely for your goose, Beth--really a cute finish. I'm amazed by the color of the hummingbirds head--almost seems "other worldly!"

  6. Lovely stitchery.
    That hummer is certainly eye-catching!

  7. Your stitching pops in the blue frame! Very nice! I saw a sparrow today that I thought was a Song Sparrow, along with the White Throateds... but... I looked it up and it was a Fox Sparrow! Whoohoo! I will post pictures probably tomorrow! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.