Monday, November 16, 2015

A Turkey and Woodpeckers

Designer - Bent Creek
Design - "Autumn Spice + White"
Fabric - 32 count Picture This Plus Doubloon Cashel
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 November 2015
Completed - 14 November 2015

This was a sweet little 'small' to stitch - 2" x 2".

I heard or saw all my woodpeckers this past week.

I had not one, but two Hairy Woodpeckers visiting my backyard feeders. 

I was pleased to see a female (on the right).

I have been seeing a male Hairy (on the left) quite regularly.

He also works away on the feeders in the front of the house.

The Red-breasted Sapsucker never made a sound, but I noticed him anyway.
See his needle-like tongue?

He came by late in the afternoon, so I battled low light while taking these photographs.

I am hoping to continue to see Sapsuckers as fall turns into winter.

I do still see my Acorn Woodpeckers often.

Here's a couple of guys . The one on the right looks pretty proud to have snagged a peanut.

I do have lots of peanuts available

I had a young male Red-Shafted Northern Flicker eating sunflower seeds.  That's rather usual as I normally see them at my suet feeders. 

The bird then decided to work away on one of our large Douglas Fir trees.

He has a very faint red mustache - I assume it will turn darker as he becomes a mature adult male.

Stripes and spots - it works well for this bird!

Here's a female eating suet.

I did hear a Pileated Woodpeckers a couple of times last week, but I never caught a glimpse of the bird.


  1. I love your turkey and the woodpeckers
    I see our flicker pecking on the ground for bugs, never in the feeders or suet. We have two young ones this year. I never heard of a acorn woodpecker, we must not have them in the area

  2. Simple but very effective little turkey stitch!

  3. Woodpeckers are such beautiful birds! I love your small turkey stitch! The perfect thing for Nov.

  4. That is a really cute turkey!
    I love the woodpeckers! They are such fun birds! And of course, those pretty flickers--just love the spots!

  5. That is a really cute little Turkey! I love seeing the woodpeckers! Hugs!


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