Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Basic Birds of October

Here's my next stitch an owl sampler from The Trilogy.  I've stitched several of the charts in this Happy XXXX XXXX Day series.

I've been following the blog Attic24 for several months now.  Lucy is an artist with a crochet hook and color.  She helped put on the Yarndale Festival which showcased Yarndale Flowers for Memory.  You must click on the link and look at the amazing display of crocheted flowers. It will brighten your day.

Except for a windy, rainy Saturday, we've had bright days too. 

Blurry photo of a Red-tailed Hawk, but even with the blurs I think you can see how the bird got its name. I just read that if I shoot photos in sports mode action shots should be less blurry.  I'll have to try that.

I still have a group of 18-24 Cedar Waxwings.

They came to the bird bath, but I did not have my camera.

I love their frowny faces...

...and yellow tipped tails. 

Most of the Band-tailed Pigeons have departed.  I see 1-3 birds intermittently.

I still have a nice group of American Goldfinches.

I am seeing more Juncos.

The Jays are enjoying peanuts.

I heard a loud low grunting call and looked up to see a Great Blue Heron flying overhead.

This is my best 'capture' this week - a Bushtit!


  1. That last pic is definitely a winner! I follow Attic24 as well. Always wish I crocheted when I read her blog. I do try it because of her.

  2. Fantastic bird photos. I am in Central Texas so migration has not yet begun in earnest. I cannot wait to see your progress on the cross stitch piece. Perfect for autumn!

  3. I am looking forward to seeing the Juncos again. Someone out here saw a different type--it was black headed with various shades of brown on its back and the white tummy... said it was an Oregon Junco! Imagine! All I ever saw in the winter was Dark-eyed ones! I have a few of the Happy XXX XXX Day charts also, thanks to your inspirations! But not that one... :) Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.