Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fast Birds on Slow Sunday

While I do still have some Anna's Hummingbirds, I do not have as many as I did in August.  

I have a couple of females and one male.

With fewer birds, I am filling up the nectar feeders less frequently.

The hummers are still staking out the Mudroom Flowerbed, as the salvias are still in bloom.  

I never cut down my lilies after they've bloomed because they make such great perches.

Such a little bird with such a Big Attitude!

I admire their pugnacity and determination.

They live life at high speed!


  1. I just love your pictures! It need a lot of patience to do such a marvelous job.

  2. What wonderful little birds!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Have been surprised to see hummer son our city apt terrace. I'm putting up a feeder next year!

  4. I didn't think they slowed down long enough to get photographed! Good work! I hope you'll share this lovely post on The Maple Hill Hop!


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