Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Birds Birds Birds

I've kitted up and begun to stitch Bent Creek's "The Owl Next Door". I worked on the hat while watching the Oregon / Washington football game Saturday night.   

Now is the time of year that the hawks hang out almost every day. I will have lots of hawk activity through the spring.
This is a Cooper's Hawk.

I am pleased that I am still seeing Cedar Waxwings. 
Note the red 'wax' dots on the wings of the bird on the right.

Love their serious masked faces.

Yep, lots of Bird Butts!  The brighter yellow bird is a Lesser Goldfinch mixxing it up with the American Goldfinches. I think this is as late in the year that I've ever seen one.

I am beginning to see Pine Siskins on and off.

A male Purple Finch and Pine Siskin.

The finch has a much larger thicker bill than the Siskin.

All but two of the California Quail have their adult size and plumage. 

Here's a sweet young female.

And a studly young male - side few.

Straight on!


  1. Those quail look amazing! You take great photos. Love your crazy owl hat.

  2. Ahhh... there are those handsome quails! Just love it when you feature them, Beth. And what a cute little owl you've begun stitching :)

  3. What lovely photos! I very rarely see the quail around here anymore. I think there is just too much construction invading their space.

  4. I'm going to be sad if there are no more hummers around you. :( Great pics in the last post though. And great ones here too. I love Quail -- they are probably my next favorite. Besides woodpeckers....

  5. A great assortment of birds - I really like the two kinds of goldfinches eating side by side.

  6. Wow! You have a good collection here.
    Mine is a lone one. :)
    Happy WBW!

  7. A wonderful selection of bird images. Thanks for pointing out the red on the Waxwing and I love the marking of the C. quails

  8. Hello, I love the Waxwings and the cool Quail. Wonderful variety and lovely images. Have a happy day!

  9. Wow! What an array of feathered friends! Did you create that suet concoction yourself? It seems they love it.
    I'd love for you to share this outdoor post on The Maple Hill Hop this week!

  10. Wonderful birds! Great shots of such a nice variety.

  11. All great photos but the Purple Finch is particulary fetching to me, thanks for posting these.


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