Monday, September 21, 2015

Raise the Roof

Raise the roof?  Well, I'm 'building' the ark's roof.  I always under estimate how long it will take me to stitch a large rectangular object like the ark.  I am ready to be done with the ark and move on to Noah and the other four animals.

While stitching the ark, we did get 3/4" of much-needed rain. 

Not everyone was thrilled with the rain and cold morning than followed!
This Turkey Vulture looks like he has white head and back. Is it because he cold? Odd.

Here's another with a bright red head.

Some of my winter visitors have returned to the feeders including Chestnut-backed Chickadees.

Not the best photos as they tend to light, grab a seed, and flit off again.

I also was pleasantly surprised to have a group of seven or so Evening Grosbeaks come by on Friday.

I'd heard them a couple of days previously and even seen them flying overhead.   

There were no adult males, only females and juveniles.

Nonetheless it was wonderful to have them stop by even if it was for just a day.


  1. Chickadees are just so adorable.

  2. Yes, a house of any kind always seems to take much longer to stitch than I imagine! I'll take those sweet chickadees over the turkey vultures any day :)

  3. I'm trying to catch up with reading...I've really enjoyed all the birds and animals you share with us. Your stitching projects all look great too.

  4. Lovely to see someone who loves cross stitch and the garden as much as me x

  5. Lovely to see someone who loves cross stitch and the garden as much as me x

  6. Catching up seems to be my mantra... But... I just got home from the store, after buying another feeder for winter/colder months, when the 'regulars' come back! I really hope more birds keep coming back... like YOU get! Around here, they are seeing Brown-headed Nuthatches before this storm came! I have only seen the White-Breasted so far this year! And so it goes... Great stitching... I know how it is to 'build' a house--seems to never end! And then, for me at least, I don't like it, and re-do it in a different color! I should just go with my gut! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!


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