Tuesday, September 8, 2015

One Large Ark, Two Small Gardens

Not much progress stitching of late, though the ark is under construction and the rains have not yet begun!  I've either been reading or outside enjoying our nice September weather.

Speaking of outside, it's time for the Tuesday Garden Party and the Maple Hill Blog Hop.

The last weekend in August, we had the opportunity to visit a couple of small Eugene, Oregon gardens. The first garden, did away with any lawn in the front and turned it all over to plants.

They honestly had more privacy than if they'd had a lawn. 

The back area was much larger with room for both chickens and bunnies.

In keeping with their Craftsman style cottage, they had a cottage style garden.

Lots of exuberant zinnias...

...and rudbeckia.

Love this bell-shaped clematis. 

There were several bird houses posted along the fence line.

Autumn is the time for asters... 

...and cone flowers.

And because this was a Eugene, OR garden, the sign was perfect!

On the walk to the other garden, across the street and down two houses, we came upon a large flock of Bushtits flitting in a pine tree. 

I often see and hear these small birds in urban residential areas.

The second garden mirrored the same welcoming entrance and fencing.

I liked their low wall with reclaimed brick.  

I think the two gardens / gardeners must share plants, don't you?  


  1. Lovely gardens - looks like a fun day out!

  2. What delightful early Fall gardens!!Thanks for sharing them.

  3. Oh my gosh! Who wouldn't want to spend time there? So gorgeous!

    Thank you for visiting The Maple Hill Hop this week!

  4. Love love love the Eugene post (from way out here in Veneta, but soon moving in closer)... would love to know where that tiny cottage garden is, maybe I will find it on my own (just to take a picture). Loved the sign -- I've seen it again lately out here (in irony I'm sure). Our blackberries are completely dried up out here.

  5. I think my garden is going to look like the one you visited this week. I have so much coming up, it's a bit of a mess to me, but I think the color will be pretty awesome. The birds are cute--great shots.


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