Tuesday, September 29, 2015

July Stitch September Birds

After setting aside Lizzie Kate's July Flip-it for several days, my Mom has resumed stitching and is working on the lighthouse.
September is a pretty good birding month as some of the summer birds are still here, while winter birds are arriving.

The Band-tailed Pigeons will leave in October.

Cedar Waxwings do not migrate, but I do not see them in the winter.

What a group of them at the bird bath!  No wonder there was very little water in it when I filled it up in the evening.

The House Finches and Purple Finches will be Winter Regulars.

While most of the California Quail now look like adults, there are still four small babies.  

I often have over thirty birds in the backyard.

The black throat makes it easy to identify the males. 

Here's a Mama and baby.

Since our latest rain, I've been seeing more Robins.
I also saw a Swainson's Thrush for the first time, but was not able to get a photo. 

The bird bath is a communal place!

I have at least two Red-breasted Nuthatches and there are more down at the feeder in my sister's Dahlia Garden.

After at least three weeks without a sighting, a male Black-headed Grosbeak came by.

He must have booked the last flight out of town!


  1. One day I will find these fabled California Quail:) I keep looking! Wonderful photos!

  2. I have never seen a California quail so it seems amazing you get so many in your backyard!

  3. What a brilliant variety of birds you get.

  4. Great bird pics. I always love those grosbeaks. So pretty.

  5. lindos pássaros, passando pra te deixar um abraço brasileiro!

  6. You have a great variety of birds around your place. The cutest are those little quail I think!

  7. Amazing you have these Quail in your garden. Lovely shots of the Black headed Gosbeak

  8. great selection of birds..I have never seen that type of grosbeak before...

  9. I'd love to have Waxwings in my garden - although I suppose I do have parrots!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  10. Oh love seeing all your birds! Someone here has spotted a Swainson's Thrush too... Interesting it is on both coasts... may look it up now! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!


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