Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday Musings

I've started my next Noah's Ark stitch.  It's a very old (1994) Alma Lynne design called "Done by Me". There are several designs in the pamphlet that I still like after all these many years. Designs of this vintage have 1/4 and 3/4 stitches and lots of color variation and back-stitching. These designs come right up to the edge of Terminally Country Cute - but do not fall over the precipice (or so I think). 

Sometimes it is hard to get started on a Monday morning.

Mr. Quail does not have the luxury of sleeping in.

He has to keep watch...

Aren't these just the cutest things ever?

I love their little top knots.

As of Saturday evening we have three Quail families coming by and two more down by the Big Creek. The ones we see in the backyard include:
A widower with 28 kids. The Big Family as we call them both for the number of the kids and the size of the kids as they are about 3/4 grown now.
A couple with 11 kids. 
A couple with 2 tiny tiny chicks. 
So lots of chaos in the back yard as everyone is highly territorial at the moment.

The American Goldfinches have raised their young.

The babies have fledged, but they still cheep and flutter and beg.

"Come on Dad!  How about a bite?"

"Guess that's not going to happen, is it?"

All that bird counting and bird watching is just plain exhausting!


  1. That quail is so majestic, but his chicks look like dorks! They're adorkable! I guess one has to suffer to earn their majesty. :)

  2. Oh the quail pictures! Just fantastic Beth.
    I love "Terminally Country Cute". Ha!

  3. Looking forward to seeing your progress on the new Noah's Ark stitch. I'm with you -- I love the little top knots too!

  4. How cute is that last photo. Even the eyes are closed. The pictures of the quail in the tree are just beautiful. I don't think we have any quail families. I loved seeing the little guys!

  5. Love your goldfinch series of photos. Quail: magnificent

  6. Beth, the baby quails are just adorable! We don't have quails here. We do have the goldfinches year round - they are a little less bright a this time of year.Great pictures of the cats - they have the right idea! I was off today and had alot of 'help' while I was quilting! Can't wait to see your new cross stitch!

  7. Hello Beth, I love the quail and their cute babies. And the goldies are adorable too, pretty shots. Enjoy your day!

  8. How cute are those quail... and so many of them to watch.. I love baby bird season. So sweet... I see on your blog that you lost your cat recently. I have two older orange boys... We do love our cats and I am sorry for your loss.. Michelle

  9. Quail are such odd-looking birds, aren't they? You'd think that odd topknot would be rather annoying!

    Please come link up at

  10. I have to agree-they are just too adorable!


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