Saturday, August 8, 2015

July's Trail Camera Photos

July was hot and dry. The green grass and shade near Dorothy's Creek proved popular.

As often happens we had lots of deer.

Sadly, later in the month our Unicorn (right) was struck and killed by car near my sister's Dahlia Garden.

With the seasonal creeks mostly dry our galvanized water trough was in continual use.

Scratch an itch.

Have a drink...

You guys too.

Besides the deer, we had a good mix of 'others' including a Steller's Jay...

A bunny...

An opossum... 

And a skunk.

No cougars this month, 

but lots of Bob-cat activity day...

...and night.

A very healthy looking animal.
Out and about... the early morning.

Coming back again...

..for another look.

The surprise visitor in July was a bear.

Even bears get thirsty!


  1. oh my! Bobcats and Bears so close... scary to me!! I am SUCH a city girl!! :)

  2. I'm always surprised at how many bob-cats we have in the woods. Very sad about the deer.

  3. Amazing variety of animals you've got. So nice you caught the bobcat and bear on camera. I'm surprised I didn't see a raccoon.

  4. I'm always holding my breath when looking at your trail photos.
    They are great & good to know who's been passing by! love Annette

  5. Poor in the country has some very sad moments amid the joy.

  6. Do you have a lot of bears in your area? No native bears in our area at all, but occasionally one or two wander through the area from unknown regions. What kind of trail camera do you have? It takes excellent photos.


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