Wednesday, August 12, 2015

July Stitch August Walk

Design - "Hip Hip Hooray for the US of A" (freebie)
Designer - Pine Mountain Designs
Fabric - Aida
Fibers - GAST
Started - 25 February 2015
Completed - 7 August 2015

My Mom has been on a roll. She's gone through her WIPs and has been cranking out finishes.  

Hip Hip came with an adorable pillow - so Ta Da!  
Instant Finish!

It's Wednesday and so far August has had moderate temperatures, if no rain. 
Let's go explore.

Queen Ann's Lace is the Queen of the Meadows in August - not that it has much competition!

Who will eat the Dogwood fruit?

The Bracken Ferns are already golden brown.

Deep in the shade I spied an Elderberry that was still in bloom.

Most everything else has moved on to berry or fruit.

All this bounty should make the Cedar Waxwings happy.

Year after year I find beauty in the shape of ripe grasses. 

Down by the Big Creek there is more than a hint of what is yet to come.

The Ocean Spray is brown and the Vine Maple is beginning to turn. 

The blackberries are frantically setting new fruit...

While most of it is mature and ready to pick.

I like this composition of blackberries and snowberries.

One of the White Oaks now has quite a good crop of young acorns. 

We also have a young Pin Oak. The leaves will turn brown, but stay on the tree until the new leaves in spring push them off.

Bull Thistles are rather proud looking I think.

Here's a sign of California Quail activity.
They've disturbed this area and created pockets perfect for their dust baths.

They also like the graveled area between the garages.  

The dust really flies!

Oh and here, I think the deer have been bedding down for the evening or two chew their cud. There were three or four areas where the grass was flattened.

I did not see any birds on this walk, but this fellow was down at the edge of the Big Creek.

Pearly Everlasting is also the last of the wildflowers to bloom. 

It is rather quiet and understated I think.

I hope you enjoyed today's walk.


  1. Beautiful pictures again. California Quails look so cute :)
    Your mother's pillow is adorable .

  2. Wow! What a variety of beautiful blooms!

  3. Yes I did enjoy the walk! Still lots going on around there... Thanks for sharing with us so faithfully!

  4. thanks for linking up with us at

  5. I'm amazed that things are already starting to turn toward fall. It's so early! I guess it's just looking late summer.

  6. Today's walk was very nice. So many things are brown up here, I don't know if we will have any real Fall color. The kids are going crazy eating the blackberries that are at the end of our street! Mom is doing a great job on her finishes!


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