Saturday, August 1, 2015

Colorful Quilts

Last Saturday my Mom and I went to see the quilts displayed at the Coburg Quilt Show.

There were a couple hundred quilts on display.  
I am always attracted to those that feature shades of blue.

I thought this canning jar quilt was very cute.

And I liked Cats in Baskets.

This quilt reminded me of Frances who blogs at A Symphony of Stitches

And this quilt reminded me of Carol who blogs at The Polka Dot Chicken

I am usually all about color, but the quiet tones of this winter cardinal quilt made it a lovely seasonal work of art. 

And at the other end of the color spectrum!  Pow!
Bright lights!

And bright kitty cats!

It was nice to be able to walk right up to the quilts and closely examine the amazing details.

And it would not be a quilt show without a vendor or two!

Besides all the fabric for sale, there was a fused glass artist who had an Acorn Woodpecker for sale!


  1. Some very unique displays of stitchery. I see why you enjoyed it so much.

  2. They are amazing, I can't imagine how many hours of work went into each of these!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  3. Fun to see quilts instead of birds for a change. Looks like a nice show! (BTW, I don't mean that I don't like your usual posts. lol! LOVE them of course!) Love your new header. Yay Noah!

  4. Oh wow! That Cat in a Basket quilt is TOTALLY AWESOME!

  5. Ooh, I love looking at quilts! Every time I see one, I feel the tug to want to learn to quilt. Then I remember what a bad sewer I am and go back to cross stitching! Love all the pretty colors. My favorites are the canning jars, the cats in baskets, and the bright kitties. Thanks for sharing! Wonderful new header; I like all the Noah's Ark charts.

  6. Oh yes!!! I do love that musical quilt!!! It is truly wonderful!! What a fun thing to find!!
    They all are really great--I've never tried quilting, and probably won't!!! I can't have another hobby!!! But those are lovely and I do admire them all!!
    I love your Noah header--I've seen many Noah charts!

  7. Thanks for sharing all those beautiful quilts!

  8. What a great grouping of quilts! I need to find out if we have any shows coming through here... I bet we do, somewhere... I was drawn to the cardinal one... interestingly enough. Because I do love color... but I am craving simplicity somedays! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.