Thursday, July 30, 2015

No Stitching Today, Sharing Some Sad News

Back in February of 2014, I was given the honor of finding a Final Forever Home for Johnson and Charlie after their owner passed away. I spent a few days with them and immediately fell for these two long-haired, short-legged, stout-bodied, sweet-natured senior ladies.
My aunt and her husband came to a visit, and it was love at first sight. 
Johnson and Charlie quickly adapted to their changed circumstances and 'trained' their new people to shower them with love and affection. 

Eighteen months later...  

Monday evening while my aunt was reading with Johnson by her side, Johnson coughed a couple of times, shuddered, and passed away.

Johnson's People, myself included, are still in tears over her sudden passing. 
Folks who are willing to make room for a senior animal (or two) are especially generous and open-hearted, given that the animal's lifespan is already severely limited.  I got to thinking of all the wonderful Furry Critters that have been part of my life, and how special each and every one has been. I'd like to honor Johnson and Furry Critters everywhere with a bit of voluntary fund raising.

I have long been a Follower of The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee and the amazing work that Laurie Cinotto does behalf of the Tacoma Humane Society. While funding raising for this year just finished up, they are still taking donations through secure website FirstGiving on the right side of the page.  To quote the blog: When you make your donation you will see a field to leave a comment. In that field you can designate where you'd like your donation to go: The Senior Cats, Special Needs Cats, Foster Program, Kitty Meals-on-Wheels, Ringworm Room, Barn Cat/Backyard Buddy Program. I'll start things off with a $25 donation to the Senior Cat program.  If you have a local area shelter or program you'd prefer to support, please please do so. If you'd like please share your choice of donation via a comment on my blog.  On behalf of Johnson I thank you for your generosity.  

As often happens when someone special passes away, a special bird comes to visit me.

The morning after Johnson passed away, I heard the loud rapid clicking call of a Belted Kingfisher.

Female Belted Kingfishers are 'prettier' than the males and have the rusty brown color on their chest.

It was wonderful to see and hear this amazing bird if only for a few minutes.

Then on Tuesday morning...

A male Western Tanager came to visit.

Remember that I told you everyone loves blackberries.

That being the case I might get to see this pretty bird more often as we have lots of brambles close to the house.

And I'd be more than fine with that!

Thanks for taking the time to read my sorrowful post.


  1. I'm so sorry for the loss of Johnson. Furbabies are so precious and bring so much joy.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear of Johnson's passing. Must be so heartbreaking for your Aunt and her husband. How wonderful that those special birds came to visit though.

  3. Our cat children/fur babies are such a part of our lives and family. When they leave us they leave us with a empty place in our hearts. Am so grateful for the kitties who have shared their life with me.

  4. Oh Beth, I am so truly sorry. I recognized the pair from the first picture! Poor Charlie. Is he okay? Or does he have a broken heart now?

  5. A sudden loss like that of Johnson would be especially hard to take, Beth--I'm so sorry!

    What an incredibly beautiful bird that Tanager is--great shots of him with the berries in his mouth!

  6. So sorry for your heartbreak. It's never easy to say goodbye. Thankfully, she had a wonderful life of pampering while she was here. Blessings all around...

  7. I'm so sorry about the beautiful kitty. It's so hard to lose a beloved pet--a family member! Johnson does look so happy in the photos, though, so it's wonderful to know she emjoyed a good life with your Aunt!

  8. So very sorry to hear about Johnson.Loosing a pet is so painful. I'm so glad you saw those amazing birds to cheer you a bit.

  9. So sorry to hear about Johnson, This is how my Timothy died. He walked into the room meowed I said' what do you want now', he coughed and died. The vet said an aneurysm. Sad but to know no suffering at all. Hope Charlie is not missing buddy too much, they do get over the lose too.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about Johnson. Our furbabies are truly a big part of our lives. They are loved so much and missed.

  11. So sorry to hear of Johnson's passing... they do leave little paw prints on our hearts! My current kitty (Big Dude) and the one before (Khat) came to me as strays... don't know how old they are but the vet thought Khat was pushing 10 and Big Dude is getting there too. I have to say I prefer the laid back attitude they both have and we are growing old together.

  12. "Some animals, like some men, leave a trail of glory behind them. They give their spirit to the place where they have lived, and remain forever a part of the rocks and streams and the wind and sky." _Marguerite Henry

    It's never easy to lose a friend.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.