Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Love the Land - Garden!

Design - "Land That I Love"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW & Crescent Colors - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 24 July 2015
Completed - 27 July 2015

This is the second design by this name that Lizzie Kate has done.  I stitched the first "Land That I Love" in 2012 and you can see it here. While I really like both of the "Land" designs, I am taken with this maritime patriotic stitch.

And just like that it is Tuesday once again.  Time for a Garden Party and a Blog Hop.  Off we go!

Two of my favorite local nurseries had sales last weekend.

So I had to go visit to see what there was out there that I didn't even know I wanted!

There were lots of great plants.  Annuals...

...and perennials.

It being full summer, every shade of orange imaginable was on display. 

As well as cooler colors like green and violet.

But I found myself attracted to the warmer colors.

So yes, I bought some plants!

Some were replacements like ferns and fuchsias.

But most were 'just because' like the rudbeckias and mimulus.

This rudbeckia is over 5 feet tall and I've got the perfect place for it in the back of the Mudroom Flowerbed!

I got most everything potted up or planted out.

Some orange plants came home with me!

I now have a small display of Orange Items.

An agastache, two mimulus, a geranium, a zauschneria, and a portulaca.

I have several 'warm' colored agastaches.

Even the squash blossoms fit the color scheme.

I added a yellow agastache and bright green sweet potato vine to this large pot.

My sedum theater is doing especially well this summer.  It is under the eaves of our west facing Back Patio.  Heat and sunshine and everything is happy.

I am pleased that my new Salvia 'Amistad' has begun to bloom and so are the hummingbirds.  By Wednesday we are to have temperatures near 100F and the heat wave is to last several days. I'll be watering most evenings making sure the plants are not stressed.  



  1. Beautiful plant selections--I love trips to the garden center (not sure my wallet or budget does).

  2. So many lovely plants! How did you choose? You picked some beauties. I can't pronounce half the names, but I know they're pretty! Great stitching; I hadn't seen that version of Land That I Love. I think I like that design better.

  3. Land That I Love is fantastic!
    I drove PAST my favorite nursery yesterday. This is my favorite time to visit there to get great deals. I just cannot this year. I am still trying to get things in order and tidy from the months of neglect while in heightened pain.

  4. Great stitching! Your plants are lovely! You are really talented gardener!

  5. I love your maritime stitch. Your garden is looking wonderful. Hope you and the plants survive those temperatures!

  6. You sure bought yourself some pretty plants, Beth. I'm sure you have some amazing garden centers in your area!

    Love, love, love this LK finish... I did the other one, too, but still haven't finished it off and it's been over five years!

  7. Cute stitching. I am always impressed by gardeners. It must be fun to buy lots of plants and know what they are and know how to take care of them and stuff. So pretty!

  8. I love your stichery! What a wonderful patriotic treasure.

    The purple and green contrast is fantastic. I can't blame you for bringing home some of those lovely orange blooms.
    Thank you for joining us this week on The Maple Hill Hop!

  9. What a great trip to the local nursery!! We are having sales here too. Now I know what I will do tomorrow. I love all your warm color choices!

  10. The cross-stitch is just great and so patriotic! Your garden sounds so wonderful! I'm finally getting to know flower names and such after sporadic gardening since I retired in New Zealand but the nurseries aren't as extensive here as they are in the States.

  11. I just got the old LK design... but may not get to it this summer! Have a bunch of granddaughter birthdays in the next 45 days, so have some presents to get done. Love all the new plants you purchased!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.