Sunday, July 19, 2015

Lettuce Lovers

My sister grew a variety of lettuces this spring in her kitchen garden.  The plants did surprisingly well during our hot weather, but by the 4th of July, the heat had gotten to them and they'd begun to bolt.

So she pulled up the remaining plants and tossed them out to see who might enjoy them.

Gimpy Girl and Unicorn both feasted on the lettuce.

I put some out along the edge of the berm and the bunnies found it.


Munch munch.

"Nothing tastes better than fresh organic lettuce!"

"Thanks Ms. McGregor", says Peter. 

I think this is Paulette!

She's wild about lettuce too.

"When there's no lettuce I'll make due with dandelions."

We had a group of young bucks come by. 

There were three of them.

This one thought my big bird feeder looked interesting. 

Mama Doe came by with her babies.

The fawns are large, but still spotted.

While they graze...

...they stick close to Mama.

Sometimes a short nap is us the ticket.

Do you have one planned for today?

Padma on the other hand, cares not about the bird feeders or the deer, but is watching a chipmunk.


  1. What a cute post. My lettuce is still doing good. It normally would not be still, but the evenings have been very cool.

  2. We can never count on the weather! I am going to convince hubby to not put in veggies next year, so I can grow flowers instead!! Quite a bunch of deers visiting you!

  3. You take the most amazing pictures, Beth! So beautiful.

  4. I'm so glad the creatures were able to enjoy the lettuce. We've had another blistering hot week-end. I have forgotten what rain looks like!

  5. Your photos are always so wonderful!
    I love that you set up a salad bar for all your little friends!!!
    They are so precious--deer and the bunny!!


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