Friday, July 24, 2015

Flags and Swallows

Design - "Flag Roundabout" (kit)
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 6 July 2012
Completed - 7 July 2012

With my stitching in the doldrums, I thought I'd share a finish from a few years ago.  Apparently I was a Stitching Speed Demon in July of 2012 as I finished this in two days!

With most of the Violet-Green Swallows families fledged, I've not posted any Swallow photos for a couple of weeks. It's past time for an update. 

I do have a couple of Barn Swallows that swoop around the backyard in the morning and evening.  They are nesting elsewhere and do not light anywhere so that I can take pictures.  These Barn Swallows live at Gindhart Nursery on Peoria Road. 

There were several pairs busy raising families in an open sided barn structure.

They'd made their mud nests up on the ceiling.

At this stage the Barn Swallow babies are bits of fluff with open eyes... 

...and wide-open beaks!

The past four or five days I've had a small group of Tree Swallows come back to the area. 

While they do light for a bit, it is high atop a tall tree, rather than the house eaves. 

I've counted between 6-10 birds.

I think there are a couple of Purple Martins mixed in with the group, but have no photographic evidence to support my claim! 

My last Violet-Green Swallow couple is still hard at work.  I heard babies peeping for the first time the evening of the 21st.  Now the parents are busy feeding their young.  In a couple of weeks the babies should begin to peer out of the house awaiting their parents' return.  


  1. Wonderful swallow photos. The baby birds are so cute!

  2. Love those sweet baby birds!!!

  3. I think there are either Tree Swallows or Chimney Swift types in my neighborhood... can't actually tell, since I only see them flying at dusk... Enjoyed YOUR photos of swallows though!!


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