Thursday, July 16, 2015

Bees and Hummingbirds

Design - "Little Bit of August"
Designer - X-Appeal
Fabric - unknown 32 count dyed linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - June 2015
Completed - 11 July 2015

I added two JABC bee buttons rather than cross stitch the two bees.

I do like bee hives / beeskeps as a motif.

Even with cooler temperatures the past few days, I have lots of hummingbirds at the feeders and flowerbeds.

The Oriental Lilies are tall and strong enough to make perfect perches.

The Anna's and Rufous battle over who 'owns' the plants in the Mudroom Flowerbed.

Friday evening I had three birds momentarily sharing a feeder. Of course I did not have my camera, but it was such a short-lived event that I probably could not have captured it.

My Passion Flower Vine trellis also makes for a good perch.

She'd better keep moving or the vine will wrap up around her!

This is the fence that protects the Front Porch from deer - another hummingbird resting place.

"You have a problem with that?"

I also have a 'cage' around some large pots on the Back Patio.

It's an equal opportunity perch for Rufous and Anna's.

Though I see more Anna's using it. 

A regal little bird.

Pollinate on bird!


  1. What a wonderful idea to use the buttons instead of stitching. So cute!!

  2. Great collection of honey jars--your bird photos are amazing

  3. Those buttons add the perfect finishing touch :-) Lovely bird pics, too.

  4. I love the buttons instead of stitching. I think that adds a lot to many designs. What a really nice collection of bee skeeps. I like them too. I would like to put one in my garden. As usual, great hummingbird pictures.

  5. I love your beeskep collection! Love all the hummers too! Needless to say. :D

  6. Cute finish! I also would rather use buttons than stitch bees--gives it a pop! Quite a collection of beeskeps there! You have Hummer Heaven there!


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