Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Art in the Garden

As you can see, I've started another patriotic stitch.  I like to work on this theme throughout the month of July.  Chris of Tot Hill Farm Stitches generously gifted me with this chart. 

For this Tuesday's Garden Party, I thought I'd show off some of my garden art.

I decided on a less cluttered look this year. 

So I set out a few blue mushrooms.

Here are a couple more.

Here's my giant grasshopper.

I have several fused glass art items including this set of three flowers. 

I love this cascade of dragonflies.

And while I do not generally care to have bugs in my garden, glass bugs are an exception to the rule.

I bought the long blue glass sun-catcher at Saltram's gift shop near Plymouth, Devon, England.  The blues remind me of the sky and sea there. 

I have lots of volunteer Verbena bonariensis in the flowerbeds.
The hummingbirds enjoy it.

And so do the Swallowtail butterflies.

I think I've got a new plant color combo - yellow and lavender!

I'll end today's post with a pretty sunset.


  1. It is such a privilege to be surrounded by nature like that!

  2. What pretty displays you have created Beth.
    Gorgeous sunset.

  3. Gorgeous photos Beth, I especially love all the blues! The dragonfly glass is my favourite I think. Lovely chart from Chris, can't wait to see it finished.

  4. Oh my goodness! That's a serious group of swallowtails! Blue is my favorite color in the garden (and elsewhere). Your garden decor is lovely (although I'd be temped to squash that giant grasshopper!). ;0D

  5. You have lots of great yard art,plus I love all the blue things! Those are beautiful photos of the butterfly.


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