Saturday, June 20, 2015

Rufous Rules and Annas Too

Looking over my Hummingbird photos for this weekend, at firest they all seemed to be of female Rufous Hummingbirds.
At the feeders...

Stationed in a tree on lookout.


And eating!

As more Salvias and Agastaches come into bloom, I have more Hummingbird action in the Mudroom Flowerbed and the Back Patio. 

I enjoy watching these amazing flyers and pollinators.

And then I discovered that the Anna's were active too.

This gal has a dusting of yellow pollen on her bill. 

She's doing vital work here!

I never have a very good sense of how many Hummers are in the area.

I've seen three at a time - two of them fighting and the third observing.

There could be more than three Anna's and three Rufous...


  1. Love your hummingbird pictures. Hummers have always had a special place in my heart.

  2. The hummingbird pictures are just wonderful. Our Annas are showing up less at the feeder with more flowers coming into bloom.

  3. These are wonderful photos. I'm a hummingbird fan!

  4. Yours are the only one I ever see... I don't have a good garden. Thank you for always sharing!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.