Thursday, June 4, 2015

Red Polka-Dot Bluebird and Wonderful Waxwings

Design - "Joyful Journal - April"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 28 count R & R Liberty Gathering Gray
Fibers - GAST,WDW, Classic Colorworks, DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 30 May 2015
Completed - 3 June 2015

This little stitch used 16 different colors from WDW, GAST, and Classic Colorworks.  I ended up substituting DMC for a couple of the colors.  I like how the Red Polka-dotted Bluebird is watching the Hummingbird out of the corner of his eyes.  Also all the different birdhouses are very cute.  

Last year I had a large group of Cedar Waxwings in the fall, this year I've been so pleased to have them in the spring. I am seeing Wonderful Waxwings everyday - anywhere from 2-3 birds to larger groups of 5-12.

I had two birds sitting atop the fence of the Kitchen Garden.

One picked a PVC pole as a perch.

The other clung to the netting that acts as the fencing to keep out the deer.

They stayed for several minutes and I took photo after photo.

This past week the Cedar Waxwings have been very active close to the house. (Though they do not come to the feeders). 

I was surprised to see them on the ground as they are fruit and berry eaters.

Not sure what they were up to late in the evening.

I think there were between 12-15 in this group.

You can see the 'red wax' on the wings of the bird on the right.

They talk to each other constantly and continually. 

Again, what's up with being on the ground in the tall grass?

This is where I'm used to seeing them.

Don't you love the black mask and the 'rad' hair do?

Too many photos - collage time!

You have to think they have very interesting serious conversations.

"Say what?"

Is there a prettier bird?  Hard to top I think.


  1. They really are pretty birds. Love the first photos of the close ups. Love your finished stitch too -- so cute!

  2. I agree, I think these birds are beautiful! Great photos. Your finish is very cute.

  3. Very cute little finish! I doubt I will ever see them here, so I live vicariously through your photos, enjoying them!

  4. What a cute finish!!!
    Those cedar waxwings are gorgeous! Their color makes them look so soft! They are really stunning and it looks like you had quite a few of them!

  5. they looks so smooth, like they don't have feathers at all! thank you for sharing. :)

  6. I especially like the pictures of the Cedar Waxwings in the pine trees, just beautiful. Isn't it strange that sometimes a small piece takes so many colors? It is very cute though.

  7. Oh my stars they are gorgeous! What incredible pictures you were able to get Beth!
    Your cross stitch is totally delightful and looks like it was lots of fun to stitch! Love the way the bird is watching the hummingbird.

  8. Wonderful finish! He is so cute! Wonderful pictures of birds as well.

  9. What handsome birds! The little stitched one is adorable too

  10. Gorgeous birds. They look so soft.


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