Sunday, June 14, 2015

Humming Along

Lots of Hummingbird action this week...

...both on the front feeders and in the backyard.

A female Rufous kindly posed for me

The left side

Straight on

Right side

And back to the left

Here's a pretty male Anna

And a female Anna

I've had a mix of female Rufous Hummingbirds... 

...working away on the Back Patio... 

...along with female Anna's...

...who also find plenty things to eat there.


  1. Beautiful birds :)

  2. So many hummers! I can hardly keep my feeder filled for all the hummers here -- and I still can't get pictures.

  3. So special! My neighbor had one in her backyard finally!! No picture tho, so no ID.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.