Monday, June 22, 2015

Bird Amble

I am going to stitch the two small bee ornaments on the cover of "Where There Are Bees" by The Prairie Schooler. I am having trouble keeping on task with larger projects, so am sticking with smalls until that changes.

When I take a walk, I don't just look at the trees, shrubs, and wildflowers, I am also on alert for any birds or critters that might pass my way.

The Willow Flycatcher has to be one of my favorite June Birds.

It hangs out near the Big Creek and is always singing its "Fitz-phew" song which makes it easy to find.

There are a few Cedar Waxwings still in the area.  They make a very high buzzy sound.

The male Black-headed aGrosbeaks have a very pretty song... do the Robins.

Not so pretty in appearance, or 'song' the Turkey Vultures rarely speak.  They growl and grunt when they do.

And while they maybe pretty, certainly no one would call the Steller's Jays melodic!

Critter alert!  Chipmunk eating cherries!

Feather on the ground.  It has just a bit of blue sheen to it. Steller's Jay perhaps?

Heading back home again, one more pass by the Willow Flycather.

I swear he smiles!  I hope you have reason to smile today too.


  1. The Willow Flycatcher is adorable.

  2. Hi I love reading through your blog and being inspired by your crosstitch projects. One of my favourite things is birds so I also particularly enjoy the bird pictures too! I have just started a blog of my own and would love it if you could take a look and leave a comment. Any tips or suggestions I would appreciate. My blog is not only crosstitch as you will see. Ii is my love of art/craft so i do a little of scrapbooking, watercolour painting, clay work and crosstitch. My blogs is

  3. Love the new bee start... it will be "bee-utiful"... great pictures as always. I LOVE all those birds and find myself on the look out for more bird cross stitch charts. Have a great week!

  4. I think you do very well at keeping on task Beth, you get through a lot of designs - I'm struggling to cope with any stitching at the moment. I keep going back to it and then hit a brick wall again.

  5. I can see why you like the Willow Flycatcher because it's so cute! Love your new PS start.

  6. Lovely bird pics as always. We saw two distinctive birds while in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens -- an English Magpie and a type of heron. Both times I thought of you and your great photographic skills. I had no such luck, although I did get a pic of the heron. Wish I'd gotten the English magpie. It was so pretty!

  7. I think that's why you see so many wonderful birds.

  8. I like stitching smalls, too; they give you that nice break from the big projects and a sense of accomplishment. Prairie Schooler patterns are great for that with their simple, pretty stitches. Love all the bird pics. Take care :-)

  9. I am doing all small pieces right now too... just not focused well enough at this time in my life. Perhaps in a few months... who knows? I have seen a Blue Jay at my feeder a few times now (I will post on my blog soon)... my equivalent to yours. That Flycatcher singing or smiling is one of the cutest pictures I have seen!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.