Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Another Garden Adventure!

Design - "Belli...can"
Chart - "August"
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 30 count R & R "Morning Fog" linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 21 May 2015
Completed - 13 June 2015

I think he is a darling pelican!

Here we are and it is Tuesday again.  Time for the Maple Hill Blog Hop and the Tuesday Garden Party. This week I have another Bus Trip Garden Adventure to share.

On Saturday morning the Hardy Plant Group headed off for Portland - first stop Xera Plants.  

I visited Xera in February and found some plants then.

In early June there were lots more plants available.

And while I'm mad about Sedums, I did not bring any home.

I did find a couple of neat Ferns.

Isn't this a weird and wonderful plant? 

A couple more Cupheas came home with me.

In fact an entire flat of plants called my name!

Our next stop was Garden Fever.

It reminded me of my local nursery, Down to Earth as... 

...besides plants it carried birdhouses... 

...and wind chimes and other fun items!

If you've read my blog for a while, you'll know that I love blue.

Funky metal furniture.

A fun blue chair!

I walked into Garden Fever saying, "No more plants!"
They had such a super nursery though with a great selection, that I walked out with a flat of plants - including Salvia "Amistad" which I've wanted for two years now!

So here's my blue pot with a purple Iochroma, Salvia "Amistad" and another Salvia.  I still have several plants to get set out in pots or flowerbeds.  And as we also visited a wonderful private garden on our Portland trip, I have plenty to share with you next week.  


  1. I agree. The pelican is darling.
    Loved this post. I have a sedum bird bath. :)

  2. I loved seeing all the places in Portland. Now I will have new places to visit when we get down to Portland. So glad you found that salvia. I heard it advertised at a place in Seattle but the traffic has been so bad over there, we have not ventured to that side of the water. The pelican mitten is wonderful. My sister would love to have one hanging on her Christmas tree.

  3. What a wonderful place to spend some time. You've shown great restraint! Enjoy your new blooms. Thank you for sharing on The Maple Hill Hop! It's always good to see you here.

  4. I had not ever seen the Pelican mitten... It is so cute! My garden is burning up... been very hot and sunny here. Tho we had thunderstorms last night, it is dry as a bone again right now! I love that funky blue chair! Mine!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.