Friday, June 26, 2015

A New Stitch and Avian Families

I know the chart is called "A Little Bit of August" and it is only June, but I am in a bee skep mood!

The swallows are in a 'It's Time to Fly Kids!" mood.

While the adults are still keeping the nests clean...

...and attending to begging babies...

...they also are pausing now and again to pick at gravel bits... 

...or just rest their wings.

I think I may have only one Tree Swallow baby.

I only ever see one Violet-Green Swallow baby at a time too.

I do have four house currently occupied by Violet-Green Swallows...

And a fifth house with new residents.

They are just now constructing their nest.

I think it is an amazing feat for a creature without hands.

The Barn Swallows are nesting elsewhere, but they swoop by chattering loudly and stirring up the other swallows.

I am pleased that this birdhouse also is occupied.  Can you see the Black-capped Chickadee just to the right?  I got scolded for getting too close to the nest to take this photo. 

Some youngsters have already fledged and are on their own like this Towhee...

...and this young Robin.

Others are still very young...

...and are under the care of a watchful parent or two.

The California Quail babies cheep softly and sweetly just like young chicks (chickens).

They are amazing as they begin foraging almost immediately after birth and can fly very soon after as well.

Nonetheless, they still like the shelter and safety provided by a parent's wing. 

I think Dad Quail is telling them how to become the best Quail they can be.


  1. Great pictures Beth. So good to see the baby quail are still around and thriving!

  2. I'm finally getting back to visiting and commenting on blogs again, Beth--and with you posting daily, I certainly missed a lot!! So good to see all the sweet birds again--especially those babies :)

    You've had some lovely finishes over the past five weeks and a big welcome to the world to that darling baby boy!

    Hope your weather doesn't get as hot as they are predicting for the northwest!! Enjoy your weekend...

  3. Aren't those swallow beautiful? I love the last photo of Daddy Quail, he looks so proud of his babies and rightly so.

  4. Lots of baby Robins around here too. The Cardinal pair are tending their nest too. I haven't seen any Cardinal babies yet though. Thanks for sharing your bird pics. I'm looking forward to seeing your Little Bits of August stitched up.

  5. Wow! You certainly have lots of birds to enjoy. Who needs tv? ;0D

  6. It's so much fun to see all the babies at your house! Love the baby quail especially. And all the bird houses.

  7. I love the way things in nature take care of their young. Protect and care for them but when the time comes, they give them the boot!


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