Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Weekend

On Saturday morning my sister and I headed off to the Farmers' Market.
Even though it has a holiday weekend, it was bustling.

We stopped to listen to this group - good music!

By the end of May, there's a wide variety of produce available.

Signs of spring - snap peas and strawberries.

This stand offers all kinds of mixed greens.

Yep, it is finally warm enough to plant tomatoes.

Amazing to have raspberries and blackberries already. 

I was in search of a couple of bouquets.

It was hard to chose.

Cold pressed juices are The New Thing at the market.
They are expensive from $7.50 to $9.25 a bottle.

Most of the shoppers were oblivious, by I noticed that there was a very large flock of Cedar Waxwings in the trees at the market!

My sister bought a tomato plant, 2 pepper plants, red potatoes, 2 pints of strawberries and green onions. 

I found two lovely bouquets for Memorial weekend. 

Later in the afternoon, my sister, mother, aunt and I headed off with these flowers and lots more to visit three local cemeteries.  We visited memorials for two sets of my great-grandparents, both sets of my grandparents, and a couple of my uncles. After all that is what this holiday is all about. 


  1. A splendid market post. I love the bouquets.

  2. Love your market posts. So colorful and fun!

  3. How nice of you and your family to visit the cemeteries where you dear family rest!

  4. Lovely choice of bouquets Beth, pretty colours. I think that cedar waxwings are very bonnie birds.

  5. Your farmer's market looks grand. Our weekend was a washout however; hasnt stopped raining here in Texas for the last month. :(


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