Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Final Finish in a Fun Series

Design - "Wise as an Owl"
Designer - Birds of a Feather
Fabric - 30 count WDW Cocoa linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 May 2015
Completed - 16 May 2015

I have so enjoyed stitching the 10 different charts that make up this fun Animal Sayings Series.  I'll post a retrospective of all 10 later this week. Now my fun challenge will be to determine which one I next get framed.

Once a week I write about my gardening efforts and Tuesdays are a perfect time to do that. I often have things to share from the weekend and can do so with both the Tuesday Garden Party and the Maple Hill Blog Hop

As often is the case in the spring and summer, Down to Earth called and I answered.  Aren't these banners pretty?

Here's an over-sized metal hummingbird.

Inspirational signs.

I've become very taken with vertical gardening!

An over the top Peacock!

I haven't grown anything from seed in years and years and years, but my sister starts some of her veggies and annuals from seed.

Life-sized metal sunflowers.

Remember that I collect water cans.  Which color, hmmm.

At home some of my earliest perennials are already in full bloom. 

I've lost the tag, but I think this is Salvia superba Merleau Blue.

Penstemon Electric Blue

This is a cluster of crazy Muscari plumosum.
The blooms are about 5" and have lasted for weeks now. 

Again I've lost the tag - are you sensing a theme?  This might be Mimulus aurantiacus Curious Orange. It is the first perennial Mimulus I've ever owned. And it over-wintered just fine.

I can't find a tag for these sweet little Iris. They have spread without any help on my end and would make a nice under planting with Daphne or Rhododendrons.

I moved all my Pansies and Violas from the Front Porch to a shaded nook on the Back Patio.  

Look at my three Auriculas!  They were rather sad specimens (and thus on sale) when I bought them back in February.  I have been amply rewarded!

I spent several hours outside on Sunday.  The weather was perfect for gardening and for cats.  

Most of my time was spent putting together this display of Sedums and tender succulents.  

I do like Sedums and succulents.

Most are small and finely detailed.  The reward is in close observation.

Here's another of my rewards for successful over-wintering.  I honestly just tossed these two Geraniums into an unheated room and watered them about once a month.  They are looking great and blooming profusely. Geranium Caliente Hot Coral and Caliente Pink.

Hope you enjoyed this week's Garden Tour.


  1. I am thinking vertical too. Mostly out of necessity. I love your succulents. That's all you see around the grocery stores no a days!
    Thanks for sharing your lovely garden. I enjoy visiting.

  2. What a fun time of year... and your plants look good. Have a happy gardening season. :)

  3. OH my beauty abounds at your home no matter the season!

  4. Your plants are so beautiful; your thumb must be a gorgeous shade of green :)
    The animal saying series would make a great header...

  5. Great owl-y finish!

    Nice to see all your garden photos, in particular seeing the auriculas!

  6. You found a lot of cute gardening items while out shopping! I love your shelves full of pansies. They are one of my favorites.

  7. What a fabulous display! Looks like you know just what to do in the off-season. Enjoy your lovelies!

  8. Hooray for finishing the last of the BOAF pieces! I'm totally envious. Love the nursery sharing, and your garden is looking gorgeous too!

  9. I loved the garden walk and the trip to Down to Earth. Those banners are wonderful. Your plants look great, a bit ahead of mine. I did get two Black and blue salvias finally!!!!!

  10. Beautiful garden - I like the vertical ones! You must be so pleased with those Auriculas. I like your cute owl too.

  11. What a fun shopping day! I love that fancy peacock!!
    All of your plants are wonderful and I like those succulents, too!
    Your finish is so cute! That is such a fun series!

  12. So many are favorites: the muscari are fantastic, and Curious Orange whatevers... yummm! Plus the bargain Auriculas... I wonder if we have them here? Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.