Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday Finish Wednesday Walk

Wahoo!  I've finished!

Design - "November's Chrysanthemum"
Designer - Cottage Garden Samplings
Fabric - 32 count White Chocolate linen
Fibers - GAST, WDW & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 23 November 2014
Completed - 10 April 2015

I can hardly believe that I've now stitched 11 of the 12 designs in this series.  I am mulling over whether to start December's pattern now, or hold off until it is more seasonal.  Stay tuned!

I haven't been walking regularly and it is a shame as this is the time of year when things change so very quickly.  No more excuses - let's go outside!

The first of the Common Camas (Camassia quamash) are in bloom.

Buttercups - a sure sign of a moist area. 

Shooting Stars (Dedecatheon pulchellum) are one of my favorite Spring beauties.

AS I mentioned earlier we have two kinds of wild Trilliums.
The flowers of the Western Trillium (Trillium Ovatum) nod above the leaves supported by a slender stem.

As the flowers fade, they often turn shades of pink and burgundy. 

The flowers of the Small Flowered Trillium (Trillium parviflorum) rest immediately atop the leaves - no stem. Along my walk I can see the two varieties growing side-by-side. 

I was so pleased last year to find a patch of Chocolate Lilies (Fritillaria camschatcensis ). Most of them are gone this year as the property owner sprayed Roundup along their fence line. Grrrr!

I don't know the name of this delicate flower.  I will research and see what I can find.

The Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) is in full bloom now.

We have two kinds of False Solomon's Seal. This is Large False Solomon's Seal (Maianthemum racemosum). Not quite in bloom.

Here's the smaller variety - Star Flowered False Solomon's Seal (Maianthemum stellatum). Blooming! 

Our native Tiger Lily (Lilium columbianum) will bloom several weeks from now. 

The same can be said for the Large Leafed Lupins (Lupinus polyphyllus).

The feathery Western Meadowrue (Thalictrum occidentale) has sent up flower stalks.

Deep in the shade near a seasonal creek, the Wood Violets (Viola glabella) are in bloom.

We have more and more Fawn Liles (Erythronium oregonum) in our meadows each year which is great as the deer like to munch on them. Our family has always called them Lamb's Tongues - a reference to the mottled leaves.

Last year I found a couple of Red-flowering Currants (Ribes sanguineun) along the edge of our driveway.  They are getting swallowed by by blackberries, but if we clear out too much space, they too will become deer fodder.

Each day more and more Blue Oregon Iris are in bloom (Iris tenax). Personally I'd have named them Purple Oregon Iris!  

Next week I'll take a look at the trees and shrubs.  I hope you come along.


  1. YAY! What a great finish, Beth--and good for you for completing 11 of the 12. It really is a perfect series for you to be stitching :)

    The wildflowers are all so pretty, but I have a tender spot in my heart for the trillium as they always remind me of my dear grandmother...

  2. Loving both the Wednesday finish and the Wednesday walk! We have some spring flowers just starting to bloom.

  3. I really, really like the mums in this stitched piece.
    What a pretty walk.

  4. That is quite an achievement Beth, 11 of 12. I really love them all! Thanks for the delightful walk and all the information on the wild flowers!

  5. Thanks for taking us on your walk! I love the mums in your latest finish, they're beautiful.

  6. A great finish. Loved the walk, such pretty flowers.

  7. IF only it was not so pollen-y here, I could go walking. As it is, I have to stay inside as much as possible, and live vicariously through your blog and online stuff! So keep them coming! At least till end of the month! Ha! Love the finish. What's next?

  8. Yayyy! Congrats on finishing. :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.