Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Stitching Progress and Gardening Progress

I've stitched the leaves and the first of the three Chrysanthemums!
The Chrysanthemums are turning out to be very much like the sheep's coat. Another stitching challenge.  I decided to stitch the darker of the two colors and then fill in the lighter color and that worked well.

We are having our share of April showers and as it has been a very dry winter I will not complain.  The plants seem to be enjoying the cooler and wetter weather. Let's take a look.

My small Red Osier Dogwood has bright green leaves now.

The evergreen Clematis has a few blooms.

The Muscari are on full display.  I have 6 or 7 varieties. 

I cannot believe how tall some of the Lilies are already.

White Muscari

A drift of Hose-in-Hose primroses.

The last of the Daffodils.

More Muscari

A Bleeding Heart

This composition of Bleeding Heart, Helebore, and Trillium would be quite nice if not for ugly but necessary the deer-protective cages! 

Two kinds of Podophyllum

Yet more Muscari

A Hosta erupting and more exciting a volunteer Trillium!

Still more Muscari

Another Bleeding Heart

What do you do on a rainy day? It's best to be safe and cozy inside!

I am joining the Tuesday Garden Party and Maple Hill Blog Hop.  I hope you will take a moment to have a look!  


  1. Oh yes, bags are a favorite spot for Mia too. lol! Love all the muscari! One of my favorites this time of year.

  2. Beautiful!
    Aww, is that Tom Cat in the bag? :)

  3. Looks like you're closing in on another finish, Beth! Love the blooms, especially all the blue Muscari (nothing is blooming here at all so far :(

  4. Good progress on the sheep below, I always stitch the tricky parts of a design first and then fill in the easier parts. A cat in a bag, so much fun:-)

  5. Those muscari are beautiful! Would you be willing to swap seeds?
    Thank you for sharing your garden post on The Maple Hill Hop!

    Your header is so sweet. Do you follow a pattern or ad lib the designs?

  6. Oh I love this stitching project that you are working on! And those blooms. Beautiful!

  7. Beth, what a fun tour of the mansion! Love your chrysanthemum (well, you know how I feel about this whole series...). Your sheep is looking great!
    Tom Cat (?) has the perfect answer to a rainy day!

  8. What a cute picture of the cat in the bag! All the flowers are looking so pretty. You just can't have too many Muscari!!

  9. Beautiful Chrysanthemums. It's looking great!
    Your garden looks fabulous as always. You inspired me to buy some new plants for a bit of colour in our tiny garden and we went for. .blue!

  10. Bags and boxes - always the best things EVER for a cat. I love when they squish themselves into a box about three times too small for them. I'm not sure why that is fun but, clearly, it is. :)

  11. Love muscari!! And love the kitty in the bag! Such a rascal...


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.