Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Easter Finish and Wildflowers in the Garden

Design - "A Little Gray Hare" (kit)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 30 count WDW Seafoam linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 13 April 2015
Completed - 17 April 2015 

Well I've finished the stitching, and I've read the finishing instructions several times as this kit includes fabric and trim.  I am not feeling confident as of yet - the hole oval thing seems a difficult way to begin with truly finishing an ornament.  We shall see.

We had unseasonable warm temperatures Saturday through Monday - in the upper 70's! It made for good gardening weather, so I do have some things to share on this Tuesday's Garden Party and Maple Hill Blog Hop.

I'll start off with my little bits that are at their peak.
I love this two-toned Muscari - periwinkle blue with a white top. 

I over-wintered five Lewisia and while four of the plants are 'just sitting there', this one is bursting out with pretty white blooms.

In February I bought a couple of Auriculas. They were in pretty sad shape, and thus on sale.  Well look at them now!  This one will soon be blooming.

And this one is blooming up a storm!  They are temperamental plants, but oh so pretty.  If I had unlimited time and money, I'd attempt an Auricula theater.

While Auriculas require lots of time and attention, sometimes letting things 'go natural' can be the easiest and prettiest way to garden.

We have a neighbor who has let her wooded front yard 'go'.  She does not mow from February until September. 

The yard has self-sown with hundreds of native Shooting Stars or Rooster Bills(Dedecatheon pulchellum).  

The flowers perch atop long fine stems.  The leaves of the plant are fat and flat to the ground and easily missed when not in bloom.

They like damp shaded sights as do Oregon Fawn Lilies (Erythronium oregonum) which have also spread with vigor and abandon.

As you can see in this photo all of these plants are growing outside of her deer fence! Pretty amazing as I well know the deer do eat Fawn Lilies.

The details of wildflowers can be so amazing. These flowers have yellow tops which change to cream as the blossom unfolds.  

Look at this combination of hybrid and native - blue Muscari dotted among the Lilies.  So very pretty!


  1. Such a pretty finish! I hope you figure out the "finish" finishing. Love auricula! They are so pretty! And the natural look -- how beautiful!

  2. Oh the dreaded finishing Beth, I am so lacking in confidence when it comes to doing it. I haven't made any progress with this piece at all.

  3. A Little Grey Hare is so cute! Love the colors! I am sure you will do great with the finishing.
    Happy Stitching

  4. che bello il ricamo e meravigliosi i fiori

  5. Love the idea of letting your yard go to flower! I would love it if you would link up to Garden Tuesday today at Sidewalk Shoes!

  6. Cute finish! Beautiful blooms too! We're having windy, cold days here this week.

  7. Lovely stitching! Good luck with your finishing. And beautiful flowers! I have no talent for gardening, so I live vicariously through others.

  8. Your neighbor's wild flowers are so pretty! I've never seen that many shooting stars all together like that! And I love your white Lewisia. That color is next on my list. I've never even heard of the Auricula, but now I want some!

  9. I have finished in oval form, and truly it is not hard.

  10. Your little Easter piece is so pretty. Being a finishing coward, I can understand your reluctance to get to the finishing. The flowers are just beautiful. I think I would like that natural yard. To tell you the truth, I'm a bit glad to be back to cloudy 50's. My "winter" body is sore from all the yard work!

  11. Oh my, I don't know which one I like best!
    Your stitching is always so wonderful!

  12. Your stitching is so pretty! I'm a finishing coward too. I'm always inspired by looking at other stitchers' finishes.
    Your garden photos are gorgeous. I love those muscari.

  13. Прекрасная вышивка! Я очень люблю ваши фотографии птиц и орнитологические рассказы!

  14. I'd love to have a wild front lawn that we didn't have to mow. Too bad I live in squaresville.

  15. Oh, I just love this little gray hare--he is adorable, Beth!! I do hope you can do the finishing--I find round/oval finishes easier than any other for some reason. If I can help, let me know :)

  16. Did you at least get the round boards to use for the finishing? That would be ever so helpful! I like the wild garden look, but my husband is just the opposite. Oh well... You have been so good at getting plants on clearance because they look bad, only to nurse them back to good health! Very nice!

  17. Beautiful flowers. I think if you give the finishing a go then you will find it not as daunting as you think. Oval finishes I find easier, there are no "corner" issues!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.