Thursday, April 23, 2015

Blue Rabbit and Red Woodpeckers

Design - "Small Blue Motif 1" (freebie)
Designer - Windy Willows
Fabric - 32 count cream linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 23 April 2015
Completed - 23 April 2015

While enjoying a sunny, albeit windy afternoon outside with the cats, I stitched this little rabbit.  It reminds me of a small Delft tile.

This has been a busy week for woodpeckers.

The male Red-Shafted Northern Flickers are very territorial now. Lots of drumming and hammering and strutting. 

Often there are two males vying for the attention of a single female.

Mostly the females would just like to be left alone... eat in peace!

I do have one interesting female Flicker - see the yellow on the underside  of her tail feathers?

Here's a better photo. I think she is a Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker - far more common east of the Rockies. The folks at bird store think she might be an intergrade - which is a hybrid of the two types. 

This male Flicker probably is an intergrade. He has red shafts, but also has a red stripe on the nape of his neck which is a characteristic of yellow-shafted flickers.  

Occasionally a Red-breasted Sapsucker flits by.

It's hard to top the brilliant red of their heads.

I was most excited though to see a female Downy Woodpecker, even though she does not sport any red feathers!  I haven't had much Downy Action this winter and am hoping for more frequent sightings this spring.

I see Jays and Starlings at the peanut feeders are more frequently than the Acorn Woodpeckers. 

And instead of groups of three and four, I am luck to have two birds at the same time - far more often it is a 'singleton'.


  1. What a sweet little rabbit block you stitched! I enjoy your bird photos a lot.

    Robin in Virginia

  2. che meraviglia e che belle foto!

  3. Your stitching is so darling.
    You have quite an array of beauties there! You must feed 'em the good stuff! ;0)

  4. That's a sweet little blue bunny!
    I love seeing all the pretty birds!!!!

  5. The flickers are always a pleasure to see Beth.

  6. You know your bird photographs always impress me…so does your knowledge of these feathered friends!

  7. Cute rabbit! It's interesting about the "intergrade" birds. I didn't know such things existed. Very interesting!

  8. Great woodpecker photos! I love that little blue rabbit design.

  9. Lovely little bunny finish, Beth :) We had a very similar looking woodpecker to your last photo at our suet feeder the other day--I don't think it was exactly like him, though.

  10. Love the bunny finish--sweet! As for the Flickers--they definitely could be 'hybrids'. I have female Downy's visit my feeder lots... I haven't been taking pictures because I don't want to bore anyone... but they still visit me! I hope to post to my blogs real soon!

  11. You're lucky to have so many woodpeckers. I've had a female Downy off and on throughout the winter, but haven't seen her lately.

    Such a sweet, little blue bunny!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.