Thursday, March 26, 2015

Here's the Foxy Finish

Design - "Smart as a Fox"
Designer - Birds of a Feather
Fabric - 30 cnt R & R Light Cappuccino
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 15 March 2015
Completed - 24 March 2015

Here's my Sly Fox Finish.  Very pleased with him.  For some reason he looks pink in the photo when he is actually more foxy-coppery looking.

When I was at Down to Earth the other day, I had to take a look at their wonderful birdhouses and birdfeeders. A local woman makes the birdhouses and she is so very creative. I have purchased a number of her houses over the years. I'm really liking the one with the ladybug.

I need to count the number of houses I already have up.

Most of the Open Houses appear to be have good attendance!

Basic Brown Birds are the bane of an amateur birdwatcher.
It can be so difficult to figure out who the bird really is or to tell one BBB from another.

I just discovered that I'd been counting ALL my Sparrows as Song Sparrows like the one pictured above. And why is that a problem you might ask?

It is a problem only because at it turns out, I also have these cute Fox Sparrows! The Fox Sparrows have a darker head, and are plump with a white chest.  So in the future any bird counts I submit will reflect my Sparrow population more accurately!  Ooops!

That still leaves distinguishing the House Finches from Purple Finches.  For the time being I'm calling everyone a House Finch!


  1. Love your Fox! Glad I didn't miss it. lol! As for the bird identification -- boy, those birds would be hard to distinguish from each other! Love the birdhouses-- so much fun to see they are being used!

  2. Your fox is cute. You have some great bird houses. It's nice to see they are being used.

  3. Funny, I was just going to tell you about sparrows when I saw all the bird houses. We gave up putting up houses. The sparrows take EVERY SINGLE ONE over. So frustrating as I love little wrens. He has tried to set up for years. The sparrows are punks and bullies!

  4. Very cute fox..
    Lovely birds xxx

  5. Love that sly fox! He looks wonderful. Nice to see birds using the houses.

  6. Love that sly fox! He looks wonderful. Nice to see birds using the houses.

  7. You Sly Fox looks good! I wonder why the fox is so maligned in stories and such. They are such beautiful creatures.

    Moving on...birdhouses - lovely ones, and you already have "renters" moving in! We have yet to see any nesting action around here!

  8. Wow, I love birds! I think I need to get some bird houses...
    Congrats on the lovely finish.
    Evalina, This and that...

  9. Cute finish Beth. Would you be interested in selling those charts or maybe lending them to me?


  10. The fox is very foxy!!!!! I do love the birdhouses. I wonder if I am just looking at all my sparrows the same way? Next time I see one , I will be looking very carefully.

  11. The fox is adorable!! Love it!
    Those brown birds would be hard to distinguish at a distance!!
    I love your birdhouses! So good to see that the birds enjoy them!! I have one cute birdhouse on my patio and a fat squirrel chewed around the hole to make it big enough for him to go in and ruined it!! Chewed the perch off, too!!! Bad squirrel! Hahaha

  12. You're right about the BBB's and I admit, I've kind of grouped them all together since I can't tell them apart. I was wondering about the differences between the Purple Finches and the House Finches, but like you, have decided to call mine Houses Finches too. Love your bird houses!

  13. Your fox finish looks great Beth!

    Those bird houses look brilliant. Love all your bird photos.

  14. Your fox finish is so cute, Beth! It's funny what the computer does to some colors--on mine he does look pinky, too :)

    Love those birdhouses--your blue and white one with the silver embellishment and gray bird is so sweet.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.