Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow Fun?

Design - "Snow Fun" (Six Fat Men)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Amber linen
Fibers - CC, GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 31 January 2015
Completed -13 February 2015

I think this is probably my last snowman for the year. I would think that it is not "Snow Fun" any longer for most of the folks in New England.  What a snow-filled February they have had this year.

We are back to very mild rain-free weather once again.  Other than a frosty morning on Monday, you'd be forgiven for thinking it was April rather than February.  It is Outside Weather for sure, and fitting then to take part in the Tuesday Garden Party.
On Saturday we drove up to Portland.

Our first stop was Xera Nursery

Even though it is very early in the planting year, the primroses provided a pop of color - and yes, most of these walked away with me.

Xera is a wholesale nursery that propagates plants which will grow and thrive in the Pacific NW.

They are now selling natives like our Nootka Rose. 

We spent a pleasant hour wandering around. 

Interesting Ferns, Hellebores, Mahonias, and trees.

I became intrigued with the selection of Manzatinas. They are blooming right now and are a hummingbird magnet. 

So several primroses and a Manzanita "Austin Griffin" came home with me!

As I walked the flowerbeds this week, the Tete-a-tete daffodils took place of pride.

The crocus are doing well and not getting crumpled with rain for a change.
Now, I really should go outside a continue weeding the largest of the front flowerbeds! 


  1. Oh boy! That sounds funny to hear of you weeding.
    What a beautiful nursery trip.

  2. Being under about 4 inches of snow and a layer of ice on top, there is no weeding here for us! Maybe by the weekend it will melt... Freezing temps till then! Yikes!

  3. That snowman does look like he's having fun!!! Cute!
    I love all the photos of the beautiful plants. It's almost that time of year and I'm ready for the pleasant weather and beautiful green outdoors!

  4. Beautiful photos Beth! We've had lovely weather in NW UK today, it felt almost spring like! Time to start weeding I think.

  5. Oh thanks for a 'bit' of spring on this another very cold day here in NY--though the sun is shinning--but only 22 degrees outside!!!
    I love flowers==almost as much as birds!!!

  6. I just came back from a short walk around the neighbourhood. It's so warm outside!

    Snowman is "snow" cute! Yeah, it's time to pack it in as I think we are in for a very early Spring!

    Say, have you got mosquitoes yet. On the news yesterday they were saying these annoying bugs are out in the mountain trails already!

  7. That is one cute snowman, Beth--I do know my sister who lives right in Boston wouldn't think so, though :)

    Enjoy your warm spell--we are dipping down into the 2° range again on Friday :( Today's 22° seems like a heatwave!

  8. Another lovely snowbelle! I can't believe your flowers! Those daffodils and crocuses are GORGEOUS!

  9. Sigh. Green. Flowers. I want to live with you.

  10. What can I say other than I LOVE all the flowers and I love Snow Fun too :-)

  11. Cute snowman. Love the daffodils and crocuses.

  12. I love Spring flowers, especially daffodils. They are so cheerful! Every Spring, I wish I had planted some last Fall...maybe this year I will remember to do it!!

  13. Yep. Still buried in like 3 feet of snow here. It's going to be one of those years where it doesn't get warm until late May, you watch. (If that holds for summer though, I won't be complaining.)
    I have these snow guys in my stash...somewhere...I REALLY should do them up. They are adorable and I've loved seeing them popping up on your blog of late. :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.