Friday, February 27, 2015

Blast From the Past

Design - "Twin Hearts"
Designer - Brightneedle
Fabric - 28 count Cream Cashel linen
Fibers - Anchor - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 18 February 2011
Completed - 14 March 2011

Pink, yellow, copper and chartreuse. Not colors I'd chose, but love how they look together.

One of my neighbors says she has Hairy Woodpeckers at her feeders.  Perhaps that is why I don't!  They are happy elsewhere and only come by to tap on a tree.

Thankfully the Flickers seem to find a welcome at my feeders. 

This group shot of the Acorn Woodpeckers amuses me.
Doesn't it look as though they are having a family confab of some sort? 

Junior, Mom, Dad, and Little Sister. 

This sideways branch is a favorite perch.

And apparently the birds have much to discuss with one another.

A male  

A female

Two females

Peanuts for all!

Fortunately they don't fight with one another.

I wonder how many peanut feeders I'd need to make them happy.


  1. Hi Beth, Not sure how I stumbled upon your blog but I enjoy not only your cross stitch but your bird pictures also. I have a question? I live in Indiana and my husband has many bird feeders in our back yard and I am trying to determine what size lens I need for my camera to get some nice pictures. I have a Nikon DSLR. My back porch is about 50-70' from all the feeders! How do u get such close ups of the birds? Are you outside? Thanks for sharing!!


  2. Love those woodpeckers. The family confab pic is so great!

  3. I never would have picked those floss colors together for that stitch either. I like the results.

  4. I think the family confab is really a gossip session, lol. No matter how many peanut feeders you put out, they would all get used. I love the colors used in Twin Hearts. Another great finish for you!

  5. I really like this Brightneedle finish! It is to the point, sweet and pretty! That is a lot of Acorn Woodpeckers at your feeders... what's not to love about your yard?

  6. I love those acorn woodpeckers! They are so comical looking. You have a nice group of them. Yes, I'd be interested to know too, what type of camera and lens you use for your photos. I have a Canon.

  7. Those woodpeckers are so comical sitting together! I think they are having an intervention. Your vintage stitch is so sweet and pretty, such delicate colours.

  8. Great photos Beth. I always enjoy your blog. Beautiful stitching as always.

  9. What a pretty design. Looks like you are having a wood pecker convention in your yard!

  10. Brightneedle--I miss them so much! I don't think I ever saw this design before. I love the font.

  11. I didn't know that woodpeckers flocked together like that. They are so beautiful & it's quite a photo with all of them together!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.