Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles - January 2015 Blog Header

Row #1: Lizzie Kate, "Six Fat Men - Let It Snow"; Val's Stuff, "Old Man Winter"; Lizzie Kate, "Snowbelles - Baby It's Cold Outside".

Row #2: Shepherd's Bush, "Snow for All"; Barbara Ana, "Christmas Ornaments - Warm Wishes";Lizzie Kate, "Frosty Friends"; Lizzie Kate, "Tiny Tidings IX - Chill Out".  

This disaster is my Craftroom post-Christmas.

I guess that's my New Year's Resolution. 


  1. Oh dear! There looks to be a bit of work needed to get that sorted out. It will be fun though not like the usual housework. xx

  2. Your craft room looks huge! Is it an optical illusion? I'm envious! Great blog header -- but it's not in place......

  3. What a great new header and an even greater craft room, Beth! I, like Margaret, am extremely envious! Have fun organizing it (and show us a photo after you're done :)

    Happy 2015 to you and your family...

  4. =) Your snowmen make me smile!
    That. Is. Your. Craft room?!? Wowie!

  5. My first thoughts are exactly what Margaret has said - that room is HUGE and I am envious too. Lovely big window for lots of light for stitching, sewing, whatever! Very nice!

    Happy New Year, and Happy Organizing!

  6. I love the snowmen. I might have to make a list for my 2015 smalls. :) Like the others I impressed with the size of your craftroom, but I'm a little worried that having a bigger craft room WOULDN'T mean I'd be able to keep it cleaner. I keep telling myself that...

  7. Love the January header! My your craft room looks wonderful--even if it is a mess.

    Happy New Year!

  8. I love your January header! Your craft room looks wonderful!! Who cares if it's messy. Doesn't one have to create a mess when crafting?? LOL. Happy New Year!

  9. What an adorable header... I have a soft spot for snowmen (as long as they are not real -LOL!) Beautiful craft room.. remember creativity is not neat and tidy!!! Happy New Year!

  10. So many cute snowmen. We just watched Oregon beat Fla State. You must be happy! We were happy as our daughter went to U of F and they are huge rivals of Fla.
    State! So, good job Ducks!!

  11. Love your header and your craft room. Creativity is usually messy, and then all the extras of Christmas just adds to it.

  12. Great new header and love the craft room. Rooms never look used to me if they are neat and tidy!

  13. Beth, I love the new header. Your craft room is amazing! I chuckled out loud when I saw it as it reminded me of a comment made by my best fried a couple weeks ago. She was up to our place for the weekend for our Christmas get together. Well, I am so used to her that I never realized she has not seen my sewing 'not put together'. I use it as wrapping central at Christmas plus had my stuff still out from sewing stuff, had my little table set up where I was putting ornaments together, parcels to be delivered, etc and she said "Oh, Wanda, I've never seen this room look like this". Anyway, it really hit my funnybone.
    Your November stitch is as beautiful as the rest of this series.
    Happy New Year!

  14. Craft room ? Looks like a slice of heaven to me. All that rooooooom. And sun! And windows! And room! And sun! *swoon*

    Love the new header. :)

  15. Precious snowman header! I love all of them!
    As everyone else said, the craft room is divine, and you'll have it whipped into shape quickly, I'm sure!

  16. Yeah, a little messy, but that is a pretty BIG room! Love the snowman header... I have decorated with snowman decor now that Christmas has passed. But surprisingly we have had no snow yet! Ha! P.S. now I have seen black-capped chickadees too!

  17. So great to see all these nice snowmen in your new header. And your craftroom is not looking too disorganized - mine is much worse most of the time, lol.

  18. Thanks for always sharing the name and designer of your header pieces! I greatly appreciate that effort!!
    Your craftroom is amazing!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.