Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Bird Gifts

I loaned Paula an OOP chart, and this is what she gave me in return.
Wow!  A wonderful cookbook.

And stork scissors and a hummingbird needle-minder!
Paula operates Kelmscott Designs. Check out all her wonderful things.

I often have a couple of female Acorn Woodpeckers eating peanuts.

Junior eats peanuts and also likes the suet.

The Flickers have been AWOL from the feeders and working in the yard lately.


  1. Never knew Recipes For A Cure existed. What great gifts for you.

  2. That was so thoughtful. I think stitcher's are the most generous people!

  3. How really nice of Paula! New toys to stitch with! Love the woodpecker shots! Haven't seen a flicker since spring... Hugs!

  4. The cookbook was printed by Jean Lea of Attic Needleworks for her shop in Mesa AZ. Jean does a fundraiser auction every November which she donates the proceeds to breast cancer research in honor of her mother. It is a wonderful cookbook.

  5. How thoughtful to send you those gifts! Love the birds -- the acorn woodpeckers are just so cute!


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